🥀Chapter Fifteen🥀

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I didn't say you could leave yet did I?".

I turned around looked at him. He threw the documents on the table before pointing to a cabinet that was on the opposite side of the office. I looked at it and noticed that it was full of different types of achievements and awards.

" There's a small box at the bottom of the cabinet, I need it".

I waited for a few seconds before sighing and going to fetch his box like the assistant I was. I opened it before bending over and started to move things around so I could find it. I saw a small red box with a lock on it and I took it up before closing the cabinet.

After handing it to him I was thinking about leaving but I stayed put. I wondered what else he had in his mind. I do believe he wants to work me out as much as possible. Only because he despised me.

"You can go now and ensure the documents on your desk are sorted through and edited. I don't tolerate laziness and unfinished work".

I left his office and went to mine. The first thing I noticed was the pile of documents on my desk. I rubbed my forehead before closing my door and taking a seat in my chair. I had no clue how to exactly edit these documents.

As I looked through the one on top there was knock on the door. It opened a few seconds later revealing a girl who was dressed in a grey work pants and a white blouse. The unique thing about her was that she was bald. She was beautiful none-the-less  with her brown eyes and shiny skin tone.

"Hi, you must be the boss's new assistant, I'm Deidra".

"Vanessa", I say whilst shaking her hand. She seemed friendly but then again you can never trust people too soon. They can be sheep in wolf's clothing. They might even want something from you.

"So, since you're new here I thought I might drop by and give you some pointers. The boss's last assistant wasn't very good at her job and he fired her a few weeks after".

I gave her a look of bewilderment before going back to my chair.

"Do you know what he means by editing and sorting through these documents?", I asked as she came over to my side.

"It means you'll have to go through them and either stamp, correct grammar errors or even go to meetings to seal deals. Being a personal assistant comes with more duties than a regular assistant", she says as I nod and wondered when I will be finished with these.

"So, I'll leave you to work and if you need anything my office is on the floor below this. Oh, and if you want to have lunch with us girls,  you're always welcome".

"Thank you", I say as she nod before leaving. She was definitely a sweet soul.

I started going through the documents ensuring to read carefully hoping there wasn't any errors. If there was one I will have to type it over which was the only logical way I could come up with. They were mainly about shippings or collaborations.

This was going to be the most stressful job I've ever done...well aside from my past.

I spent the next half an hour just reading through and found two documents that will have to be typed over. I stamped a few of them and stacked them neatly on the other side of my desk. I looked at the clock and saw that it was twelve so I guessed it was lunch time.

The door opened and Mordechai stood there before gesturing for me to follow him. He walked away as I got up and left the office after taking up my small purse. He was walking really fast but since I didn't want to be close to him it worked out just fine for me.

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