Oliver Styx and the Witch's Circle

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Middle of the night, surrounded by woods three teenagers were running, fast.
Suddenly one trips on a tree root. The other two stop and look back at their friend, then behind them. A large shadow is coming after them.
The two others help their friend up and keeping running.
The large shadow keeps barreling through the woods towards them, slowly catching up.
One looks back, quickly, eyes filled with fear,and keeps running.
"We need to split up, if he catches us all together, we are SOOO screwed!"
The other two nodded and go their own way, sprinting as fast as they could; as if the devil himself were at their heels.
The one that runs straight keeps the same pace, easily dodging tree limbs and jumps over roots. He travels fast, he knows this forest well. He looks back every so often, the large shadow is still following him. As he looks back once more, and trips, luckily into a patch of moss. He flips around and starts crawling on his hands and knees, starting to get up. Suddenly he stops, seeing something, unnatural.
Under the bright full moon light, five people stand, seven more wait just slightly down the hill. All clad in cloaks and masks. One chats words unknown into the sky. Each mask is different, almost slipping from sight.
Then the shadow is upon him. A big six foot 275 pound bear of a teenager, Billy McCoy, the school bully; sticking of rotten food.
"Billy..." The boy says with a fake calm.
"Oliver Styx." Billy spits out grumply.
The comparison between the two are intense.
Billy, a large, older, Steryotypical American 18 year old behemoth of a boy. Militarily cropped light brown hair with a full beard.
Oliver, a smaller, young looking, greek tan looking 17 year old twig of a boy. Lightly curled black olive mat of hair with no facial hair.
"You dumped rotten fish and tomatoes on me." Billy says patiently, with anger hiding behind his lips.
"It was meant for Eleanor." Oliver said as he tried to get up. Billy put his boot on Oliver's chest and forced him down. Oliver couldn't breath.
"She's my cousin!" Billy said as he started to crush Oliver's chest.
Oliver grips Billy's ankle and tries to pull up, trying to catch a breath.
"I should kill you, no one would miss you, you know it Styx."
Oliver knew it too, nobody would know he was gone, everyone except Dorie and Michiko. And his family, also the people at school... Actually, a lot of people might miss him.
As Oliver starts to pass out, a shade comes up behind Billy, clad in a black cloak and a wolf mask, but it was unlike the others. It was dark, evil almost. A hand reaches out from behind it, long and skeleton like, and taps Billy's shoulder.
"Who-" Billy spits out as he turns to the stranger, a split second before a dark energy masses together from seemingly everywhere and sends Billy back, flying, to the hill side of mysterious cloaked people, a semi bright circle appears where Billy is and stops him mid flight and bounces him forwards a few feet.
This gets the seven people more up the hill side's attention, with only a second of hesitation to see who was down on the hill side,. Two pull out wands, one reveals its arms, covered in odd tattoos, another stands straight up and moves their hand in weird movements and says words not english. One pulls out a candle and lights it as another pulls out a large black book out of no where and begins to read. And one more kneels to the ground and speaks to the earth.
Oliver sees this all in a blur. He hears a woman's voice lull him to sleep, as the wolf blur dissipates.


Oliver wakes up with a start. He checks himself, no bruises, cuts, not even a scratched knee!
Also no shirt or pants. He stops looking at himself as he finally notices the bed, its his. But he was in the woods, the wolf...
'Was that a dream?' Oliver thought to himself.
Oliver quickly looks back up and jumps out of bed and looks in the mirror. A mark on his chest, it seems to fade from sight. A star? A circle? He couldn't tell. He grabs a dark shirt and tan khaki pants, quickly and haphazardly puts them on and runs down stairs.

"Hey mom!"
A woman, one that any man would fall for. Everything a man could want! Sleek body, perfect shoulders, hips, and hair. But her complex is almost totally opposite of her son. Bright red hair, snow white skin with light brown freckles.
"Hey Ollie!" She says as she makes eggs. "How was the party?"
"Ummmm...Weeeeeeellll....." He starts to reply in a guilty voice.
"Oh no not again!" She says as she puts down her spatula and grips it, hard. Turning around she stares at him, angrily.
Raising the spatula and using it to point to her son
"What did you do this time?"
"I didn't do anything-" He says just as he gets cut off.
"Hey everyone!" Another woman walks in, closer to Oliver in complexion. Olive tan, dark black curly hair, and a similar body type to the other woman, but more rugged. She carries a small baby, not two months old, an almost replica of the other woman. A small boy suddenly rushes in, a smaller version of Oliver, quickly grabbing hold of the leg of the woman holding the baby-
"Damien, go to your brother." She says looking down at the boy.
Damien looks at the woman and then at the oven. Sniffing then licking his lips he runs to the table and climbs up onto the chair right next to Oliver, grabbing his fork and knife lighting quick.
"Haha! They are so much like you Alcina!" The woman from the oven says with a smile. Walking over to Alcina, making a hugging gesture. "Let me hold Drew honey."
"Oh come on Fallon," She hands her partner the baby Drew.
"They have your patients!" Alcina replies. The two women kiss.
"MOMS! I am trying to eat, and Drew is going to puke into the pancakes, again ." Oliver says as he looks at his mothers. Both women turn to him. And just as Fallon was about say something, Drew pukes into the pan with the pancake mix!
"MANASSAS!" Damien says as he sees his little sister puking in his pancakes, dropping his utensils.
The little boy grabs some apple slices and dips one into some honey, mumbling in Latin.
Alcina looks around Fallon, at the pan and then her partner's back. "Atleast you don't have any on your butt!"
Fallon bounces Drew in her arms. "Honey, can you clean this up? I think Drew just went to the bathroom."
Alcina justs taps Fallons butt. And then Fallon walks out of the kitchen holding baby Drew.
"So what are we going to do now?" Oliver asks.
"hmmm..." Alcina said, humming a tune to herself. She opens and closes cupboards a few times and finally stops. Grabbing a half opened box of Loopy Vegetables she takes a step back and closes the cupboard with her foot.
"Who wants Loopys?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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