Just Missing You

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Luis POV

Taking my phone out of my pocket and sinking onto the sofa suddenly just hearing Mia's voice wasn't enough, I wanted to see her, hold her, be with her, especially after what had just happened  with Carorlina.

I dial her number and I don't have to wait long before her face appears on my screen, although she is smiling I can tell she has been crying.

"Hey, how was your flight?" She asks

"Hey baby, It was good, no problems" I smile "I just got home and I wanted to see you"

"Aww is some one missing me" she smiles

"You have no idea" I sigh "my arms are missing you, I'd give anything to hold you right now"

"I miss you too baby" she says before frowning "are you ok, you seem like there is something on your mind?"

"Like I said I'm just missing you" I say "other than that I'm fine I promise"

"Alright" she says "but if there was something bothering you, you know you can talk to me right?" She asks

"I know cariño and I will" I smile "so what are you up to?"

"Not much just laying on my bed talking to you" she says

"I can see that" I chuckle "can't help but notice your bed is missing something though"

"Oh like what?" she asks looking around

"Me" I smirk and she bursts out laughing

"I can't believe you said that" she laughs "that is so cheesy, sweet, but cheesy"

"It got you to stop frowning though" I say laughing with her "I love you cariño"

"I love you too handsome" she says

"I'm going to go get a shower and pack for leaving tomorrow" I say "but I will call you later"


"Alright bye baby" I say as we end the call

I don't know what had happened between him leaving me and him getting home but something was off, he wasn't the happy Luis I saw at the airport. He seemed troubled, upset even and all I could do was hope that he would tell me when he was ready.

"Was that Luis on the phone?" Sofia asks coming into my room "did he get home alright?"

"Yeah he did" I sigh "but something wasn't right Sof, he seemed upset"

"Did you ask him what was wrong?" She asks

"Yeah he just said he was missing me" I sigh "and then he changed the subject"

"Well look he has no reason to lie to you" she says "so try not to worry, I'm sure he is just missing you"

Maybe she was right, maybe I was reading too much into it and it was as simple as him missing me, but then why the quick change of subject?

Luis POV

As the warm water falls over me I find myself wondering if I should have just told Mia about Carolina. Especially since she had noticed I had something on my mind.

Truth was I felt bad about hurting Carolina the way I had, it was never my intention to hurt her but I can't make myself feel something for her, I can't make myself love her so what was I supposed to do? Keep it going and lead her on? Tell her I loved her even though I knew it was a lie?

In my heart I know I did the right thing but it didn't make me feel any better about it. I know getting with Mia so quickly must have looked bad to Carolina but it wasn't planned, I never expected this to happen, but I don't regret a single thing.

As I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself I hear ky phone ring, walking through to the bedroom I grab my phone off the beside table and answer the call.

"Hey kiddo what's up?" I say

"I've just been talking to Mia" Sofia says "she seems to think you were upset about something, so I figured you might talk to me about it"

"It's sweet that she's worried but I'm fine" I say "like I told her I'm just missing her, being away from her is harder than I thought it would be"

"That better be all it is" she says "becuase if I find out that you are keeping things from her I won't just rip off your cojones I will feed them to you"

"Woah chill kiddo I'm not keeping anything from her" I say "she means far too much to me to do that"

"I hope for your sake you are telling the truth" she says

"Of course I am" I say "I promise I'm not keeping a damn thing from her"

"Alright I believe you" she says "I'll talk to you soon"

Ending the call I drop my phone on the bed and go back to drying myself off.

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