Chapter 17

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I represent,

You were right

Anastasia Pierce:

"Anna!" Liz rushed out of the train enfolding me tightly in her arms. "Liz," i held her back rubbing her back down. Before Christmas, and they both decided to come back here. Three nights sleeping without seeing his face, i saw him as i strolled down the corridors. Examined him as i sat and read in the library whilst he stood as a guard for the students.

Since the attack, students aren't allowed to walk without a professor near them. I would see his eyes scanning my every inch as i read those long novels in peace. Damon was watching me too, his eyes dancing along my every inch. Making me want him more every day.

I didn't know who did i want more. It's been three weeks since i had any sensual interaction, with anyone! Last one was Dean Thomas, the same guy i lost my virginity to. And dear god, he's so good!!

"Hello," Blaise took me in his arms too. "You guys really shouldn't have came, i mean I'm alright." I shook my head shrugging. "What do you mean? There was a freaking attack by those new gang called death eaters here. At school! I'm not leaving you ever!" Liz burnt her eyes through me as i sucked my lips in. What will she do if she found out i was almost thrown from a window.

Blaise threw his hands in his grey trouser's pockets, "i just didn't feel like spending more time with my cousins. They're a lot annoying actually." He furrowed his brows causing me to snort. "Fuck you," i raised my middle fingers before we strolled inside.

More than a hundred students travelled back too, 60% of them our year. And everyone knows what it meant, Slytherin party.


"Tell us, all about it." He dropped on my bed before i pushed him off to the floor. "When you change your clothes, you can lay on my bed, but you're sweating. In December! and I don't want my bed smelling that bad." I burnt my eyes through him before typical Blaise took off his t-shirt then threw himself on Liz's bed.

I saw her lips part and her face fall with a gulp. "Winchester!" I snapped my fingers to remind her that that guy broke her heart twice. She snapped out looking at me with raised prideful chin.

"Yeah what happened?" She cleared her throat. "Well uhm... we cuddled." I bit my lip in excitement before they both scowled then contorted their face into a more happy one. "Yay, congratulations." He inclined before i dropped my face.

"Both of you are unbelievable." I threw my pillow at them before she caught it. "We're trying, okay? I just don't like Damon." She shook her head. "No one likes him except for her." He widened his eyes at her before she nodded keenly.

"Well he was really nice to me. You two just judge people fast." I shrugged.

Blaise scoffed, "yeah clearly it's us." He rolled his eyes. "Anyways what will we wear to tonight's party?" Liz sucked her cheeks in. "Probably nothing." I winked before Blaise cleared his throat, "okay," he murmured to me before i giggled.

"I'm kidding, personally I'll just wear the outfit mum sent on my birthday." I got up and showed them the black turtleneck and leather skirt hung in my closet. "Ouu spicy. I agree." The shirtless jock raised his hand in support. "Yeah me too, and personally I'll wear that satin dress I wore at the night club remember?" She tilted her head before Blaise averted his head to her.

"Where does it end?" He tensed his jaws before i bit my lip on zeal at her backing off back in to my bed slowly. "Uhm, not that it's any of your business, but my hip will be showing from aside." She raised her brows. And here i go again, THIRD WHEELING!

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