[Chapter #2 - België/Belgium]

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A few days after the incident in Germany, Laura was in Belgium. She sat there alone and cried because she was still sad about what Michelle said to her. In school, her ex-girlfriend started to bully her so she was a little happy, it was summer break. Then a white haired boy came to her. "Hey, alles goed met je?" (Hey, is everything alright?), he said. She looked at him a little confused. But then she recognized him by his hair: It was Sander, one of the belgian children. She shook her head no. She knew that he wanted to know if she was okay. Everybody was asking her that lately. "Kan ik u helpen?" (Can I help you?), he asked. She shook her head again. "Ich denke nicht, dass du das kannst..." (I don't think you can do that...), she said. Sander looked at her confused but then he understood. "Oh, you're german? Sorry, I didn't know!" he said. "It's okay... I still don't think you can help..." she said. "Sander?! Waar ben je?!" (Sander?! Where are you?!), another boy shouted. "Ik ben hier, Robbe! Kom!" (I'm here, Robbe! Come!), Sander shouted back. "Hey! Wie is zij?" (Hey! Who is she?), the brown haired boy said. "Ik weet het nog niet, maar dat wilde ik haar net vragen." (I don't know yet but I just wanted to ask that.) Sander told Robbe, "So who are you? I'm Sander en dat is (and that is) Robbe!" "I'm Laura! Nice to meet you two!" she said, faking a smile. "Don't fake a smile... I saw you crying earlier..." Robbe said. "Yeah... You wanna talk? I know you've just met us but we really want to help you..." Sander said. "I don't wanna get on your nerves... But thanks..." Laura told them. "No. Tell us." Robbe said, "It's okay." "Okay... If you really want to...", Laura interrupted herself with a sigh, "My father send me here. I don't really get all of this but he told me, it's because I'm a lesbian and they 'can fix me'... My girlfriend broke up with me... She said, she can't be with me... And she started insulting and bullying me in school..." She had tears in her eyes again. "That's bad..." Sander commented, "But I can promise they won't 'fix your sexuality'... We're here for the third time now and they actually support kids that don't get supported by their families... I mean, we do but we go here because also supported kids can go here... And maybe this hurts you now and if it is like that, I'm focking sorry, but Robbe here is my boyfriend... We didn't have it easy at the beginning..." "Yeah... Sander is right... But when the time is right, love will find you... I had to learn that too and then this boy here found me..." Robbe explained. "It's okay... Really!" Laura said. "Robbe! Sander! Hey! Ik ben het! Lissa!" (Robbe! Hey! It's me! Lissa!), a girl with red and blue hair shouted. "Lissa!" the brown haired boy shouted, "Ik heb je gemist! Leuk je eindelijk weer te zien!" (I missed you! Nice to finally see you again!) "Lissa! Je bent veel veranderd! Fijn om je weer te zien!" (You changed a lot! It's nice to see you again!) Sander said and smiled. Laura took her chance and she tried to find one of their supervisors. While she was searching for them she accidently bumped into a brown haired boy. "Å, jeg beklager! Er du okay?" (Oh, I'm sorry! Are you okay?), he asked. This time Laura didn't understand anything. "I'm sorry what?" she said. "Eh... Sorry... Are you okay?" he asked when he realized that she didn't speak norwegian. "Yeah, it's okay... Who are you?" she wanted to know. "I'm Even... What's your name?" he answered. "I'm Laura..." she said and smiled a little, "Do you know where some of the supervisors are?" "I was actually searching for them too..." Even said. "Even! Hvor er du?" (Even! Where are you?) another boy shouted. "Jeg er her, Isak! Kom hit! Jeg vil at du skal møte Laura!" (I'm over here, Isak! Come here! I want you to meet Laura!) Even shouted back at him, "Laura that is Isak, my boyfriend! Isak, det er Laura! Hun er ny her!" (Isak, that is Laura! She's new here!) Laura waved her hand a little, "Well... I guess I go now..." Then she walked away as Lissa, Sander and Robbe arrived at the spot she was standing with the two norwegian boys. Sander watched her go as she walked away. "Sander? Ben je oke?" (Sander? Are you okay?) Robbe asked him. "Ja... Ik weet alleen dat ze niet... Ze heeft hulp nodig... Maar ze wil geen hulp... Er is iets mis met haar... En ik wil erachter komen..." (Yes... I just know that she isn't... She needs help... But she doesn't want to get help... Something is off with her... And I want to find out...) Sander answered him. Even looked at the white haired confused. "He wants to help her... But she doesn't want any help..." Lissa explained quickly. Even and Isak nodded. Robbe sighed, "Zorg dat je niet in de problemen komt, oke Sander?" (Just don't get into trouble, okay Sander?)

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