I'll Always Be There... A Kendall Schmidt Love story

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Okay Hey guys!! :) I've been working on this one for awhile now, so yeah. Let me know what you think. I'm thinking about making one for the other two guys too. :) Dedicated to the Love interest of Kendall, if I figure out how to do dedications...And All of it is told from Kendall's POV. Okay. Onto the story!! :)  


We had decided to take a little break, to get away from everything, all the press, cameras, and pressure. We got into Carlos' van and drove. Little did we know, this trip sould change us, forever. 

    Somehow, we found ourselves in Las Vegas. We stopped at Applebee's, because we were starving, and since we were not yet near the Strip, that was the only place we could find. It was mid-day, not yeat lunch time, but after breakfast. The January air was cool against our skin as Logan, James, Carlos and I climbed out of the van we had been in for hours, and into the restaurant. Once inside, we were greeted by a nearly empty restaurant, and a waitress. She seemed to be about my age, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. She put down the book in her hands and led us to a table, smiling. 

      "Hello, I'm Christy, I'll be your server today. Can I get you something to drink?" She asked, smiling at us. I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was beautiful. Throughout the meal, I noticed her smiling back at me, and sneaking glances at us after she sat down at the front. Eventually, we had to leave, as I was walking out the door, she stopped me. "I hope to see you again sometime..." She told me, brushing back a piece of hair and smiling. 

      "Well, when do you get off?" I asked with a smirk.

        "I get off at 6, pick me up here?" She asked, I nodded.

            "It's a date." I told her as I walked off to catch up with the rest of the boys.

       "Awwww little Kindle's got a date. Nice goin' man."  Logan teased, making the other guys laugh. I smiled. Yes, I did..

The boys and I checked into a hotel just off the strip, since none of us were 21 yet. They were going to go sightsee, so i took the van. I picked up Christy from Applebee's at 6:00 pm. We decided to just walk around. We walked down the stree, swinging our hands together. 

"So, Why is it that you look so familiar?" She asked me, glancing over at me with a grin. 

"Well, I'm in a band, with those 3 weirdos that were with me earlier, Big Time Rush." I told her, smiling back. We walked around like this for awhile, just talking and laughing. I learned almost everything about her, and she learned some stuff about me that i wasn't sure existed. The date ended again at Applebee's when I dropped her off to get her car. 


We went on a few other dates, and before I knew it, BTR had to go back to L.A. for filming. We decided to try to make it work, skype calls, texts, weekend visits, and eventually, we were very close. I soon realized that she was the one for me. She was perfect for me in every way. 

We had been dating long distance for a year. I decided to suprise her, so I took the day off work and drove down to Vegas. I wen to Applebee's, but her boss said she'd called in sick. Which made me worried. She'd always told me she never calls in sick, that she doesn't have the money, so I went to her house. Finally, she opened the door with tearstained eyes, several minutes after I had knocked, but right before I was going to break the door down. She looked suprised, but soon fell into my open arms, sobbing into my chest. 

"Shhh... It's okay," I told her, stoking her hair and kissing the top of her head as I lead her inside. 

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