I'll Always Be There...

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After awhile, she calmed down enough to talk. 

"I had a doctor's appointment today Kendall." She said, looking down at her hands. "It was just a check up, but they found something, some kind of lump. I have to go back in a few days to have it tested. They think it's cancer Kendall." She finished, sniffling and looking me in the eyes. I hugged her again, telling her that we'd get through this. She pulled away and looked down at her hands again. "No. I want you to forget about me. You deserve better. You deserve a girlfriend who's healthy, and pretty , and isn't a waitress that you have to drive 6 hours to see, not me." She said, making me want to cry. 

"You don't get it, do you?" I asked, causing her to look up at my astonished face. "I love you. I love how beautiful you are, even though you won't believe me when I tell you, I love your sense of humor, and how stubborn you are when it comes to free money. I love that you put up with me, even when I'm not here for you all the time." I said, taking her hands. "But I will. You can come with me, we have better doctor's in L.A. anyway, and I'll be there for you. Every step of the way. Every appointment, every treatment, any time you need me. And you wanna know why?" I asked her, taking her chin in my hand, gently making her look at me again, and taking my thumb and wiping away her tears. "Because I love you. More than anything." I told her, leaning in to kiss her lips sweetly. 

"I Love you too, but I can't. I'll have to quit my job. And you know I can't accept your money." She told me. I grinned. 

"Then marry me, then it won't be MY money, it'll be ours." I told her, completely serious, yet suprised at what just came out of my mouth. Her eyes went wide, and she gasped.

"Are you serious Kendall?" She asked me slowly. I nodded.

"Of course. But I don't have a rind or anything, and I don't know anything about weddings, or being a husband, but I know that I love you and would give anything to be with you." I confessed. Several seconds passed, and I started to get worried. Maybe I shouldn't have said any of this. Crap. Now our relationship is gonna be ruined. My panicked thoughts were intterupted when she sighed. 

"Okay." She stated.

"Okay?" I asked, confused. 

"Yes, Kendall, I'll marry you!" She said, with a grin. I smiled and picked her up, spinning around her living room for a moment. 

We talked about plans, and decided that tomorrow, we'd go buy a ring, then we'd call up the rest of the boys, and my parents, and her brother (her parents died when she was young) and make them come, and we'd be married the next day.  We decided not to tell anyone about her sickness (especially since we weren't sure yet) so we just told them that we were in love. They all approved and agreed to come, even though Carlos was a little worried about the fans. I told him not to worry, that it didn't matter. 


We got married the next day at a small chapel, with my family, her brother, and my bandmates. At that same time, she got a call from her doctor, who left the news in a voicemail on her cell phone.

That night after everyone had gone back to L.A, and we had cleaned up the remains of our celebrations, we stayed to pack, she noticed the voicemail. I grabbed her hand as she put it on speaker.

"I'm sorry to say this, but the tests have come back, and you have breast cancer." Was all I could hear through the phone before we both broke down crying. Once we got to L.A, she moved in with me, and we went to different doctors, all of which with tons of different treatments. Meanwhile, she was getting sicker. Finally we decided on a doctor, and they began the Chemo treatments.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She had fought a long fight. Going in and out of remission, but after awhile we could both tell she was losing the fight. I got off work and went to see her. She knew it was her time. I sat next to her in the bed and she put her hand on my cheek as I stroked her hair. "I love you. And I want you to know three things. 1. I love you, with all my heart. 2. I'll always be with you, no matter where you are, whenever you need me, even if you can't see me. and 3. I better not see you again anytime mister. You have work down here to do." She told me with a chuckle as a tear ran down my cheek. She wiped it away. "Don't cry baby, I'm not sad. I'm glad. Glad I got to meet you, glad I got the chance to love, before my time came. Thank you for that." She said and as she finished, her arm dropped and her eyes closed, and the monitors stopped beeping. I started crying as doctors came running in. They worked for awhile before giving up, accepting her death. The cancer had won. The nurses began trying to pull me out of the room.

"Wait." I called, walking over to her. "I love you, Always will." I said as I kissed her cold forehead one last time before slipping the ring off her finger, saying goodbye, and grabbing my coat. 

As I walked back to our house that night, I realised, the cancer hadn't won. Even at the very end, she was still the same girl I fell in love with, and that was all that really mattered.

I'll Always Be There... A Kendall Schmidt Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now