Chapter 1

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Ash is a 18 year old girl from Australia and she's been best friends with the Janoskians for about 5 years now. She moves into the boys L.A house to further her youtube career which already has over 1 million subscribers.
While living with the boys ash encounters many difficult situations. what will happen with Luke and his girlfriend Kiana, could it effect their relationship?. Could it break up the Janoskians?

But I could develop even more problems when jai secretly starts to fall for ash, will it all come to blows? Will the feelings come with consequences? Or will they live happily ever after

Chapter 1
*The picture at the start is the outfit she has on* swipe across the photo to see it if you can't)

-Your POV-

I just got off my long flight from Australia and the excitement is taking over me as I wheel my suitcase through the airport, there is a smile plastered to my mouth. The smell of that cali humidity hits me as soon as the doors open out to the carpark in the airport.

As I reach the pavement I feel my phone buzz in my pocket

Jai: be there soon! Can't wait to see you! :) x

I huge smile takes over me as I place my phone back in my pocket waiting for jai to pull up in the car. Me and jai have always been really close, I feel like I can tell him anything and he can do the same. I've always been close to all the boys but there's always just been something that always brought me back to him.

Just then a black sedan comes around the corner pulling up beside the pavement. Jai jumps out of the car with a smile on his face. "Ash!" He yells running around the car to me, "jai omgod!", he picks me up by my waist holding me tight, he spins me around with my arms around his neck and my legs flinging around. "I missed you so much" he says into my neck as he starts to slow down, but I can still hear the excitement in his voice.

"I missed you too" I laugh as he puts me down. He takes a deep breath with the smile still on his lips, looking me up and down in front of him, "you look really good" he smiles. "Thanks you too"

"I can't believe you're finally here" he says wheeling my LV suitcases to the trunk, i sigh with relief "me either". "I missed you guys so much, this is the longest we've ever been apart" I laugh. He smiles shutting the trunk "I know the boys have missed you". He walks over to the passenger door holding it open for me, "still as gentlemanly as always I see" i tease, he smirks "hey, I just know how to treat a lady right, is that a crime", I laugh getting into the car and jai shuts it after me.


We drive for about 20 minutes and jai has been filling me in on everything that's been going on. "So I hear Luke's gone and got himself a girlfriend HUH?" I ask. Jai sighs "yeah". "What's with the sigh?". "Nothing don't worry" he replies trying to change the subject, "jai tell me" I insist

"I don't know how to explain it. It's just different now that he's got a girlfriend YA know, it feels like he's changed, we don't really see him for long anymore cause he's always with HER" he explains, exaggerating the "her".

"Aw jai" I laugh, "it wasn't that long ago you were the one in love al---" immediately regretting what I had said, jai sees my face drop and that I've stopped in my sentence. "ash it's fine" he smiles. "Im over that now, I've moved on" he smiles patting my hand on my lap. I look at him giving a weak smile as he continues driving.

It wasn't that long ago I was the one helping jai go through everything with Ariana and the breakup. He took it really bad and I thought there was a point there we would never get jai back to his normal self again. "So what about you?" He asks, "what do you mean what about me?". "Are you dating anyone?" He says looking over at me every once in a while then going back to looking at the road. I sigh loudly "nah not really".

"Seriously?" He says confused. "Yeah what do you mean?" I laugh

"I just don't see why anyone hasn't wifed you up already" he laughs elbowing me. "I've been busy" I laugh looking out the window

The truth is, there isn't really any time to have a stable, trusting relationship when you're heavily apart of youtube. All the travel and rumours make it so difficult. My last relationship was with cameron Dallas and it just didn't end well, there was so many rumours you couldn't tell the truth from lies anymore and since then I've been too scared to let anyone else in.

"Sooooo, this Kiana girl?" I say looking at jai, he nods still keeping his eyes on the road. "Does she live with you guys?"

"Not officially, but she's pretty much there 24/7" jai scoffs. "Is she nice?" I ask nervously, "I don't know I guess she's OKAY, but she's so possessive over Luke though it's annoying. He can't even talk to another girl at our parties without her having a spaz" he explains

I look ahead and jai can see I'm nervous. "Hey" he says grabbing my leg with his hand and his other on the steering wheel. "It will be fine. Promise. I'll look out for you. You're not going anywhere, you hear me" he smiles widely still holding my thigh.

I nod giving him a reassuring smile.


About 5 minutes later we pull up to a street and at the end a tall black gate, jai clicks a button on a remote and the gate opens. As he drives down the steep driveway coming to a stop i take a gulp.

We both get out of the car and go to the trunk, jai opens it and gets my suitcases out as I hold my handbag.

Then I hear roaring boys voices and running coming from inside on the floors coming towards the front door, a nervous smile spreads across my lips. My boys.

The tall front door swings open and Daniel, James, beau and Luke come running out pushing each other. "Ash!" They scream like animals running towards me, "jai" I say gritting my teeth waiting for the impact. Just then James grabs me first lifting me up, "You're here!" Skip yells, him and beau jumping on top of us, and then comes Luke. He looks happy, but not like the others are. "I missed you so much" beau fake cries as he has a turn greeting me, "aw you guys are so cute" I laugh

And then there's Luke. He's smiling as he steps towards me wrapping his arms around my neck "I missed you too" he whispers through a smile into my hair and I can't help the smile that feels like it's gonna last forever. Out of the corner of my eye I can see jai give him evils, almost like he's jealous. No. He can't be. That's stupid. Don't be dumb ash.

Luke quickly lets go as a girl comes out of the house like he's done something wrong. Im guessing this is the new "girl" jai's told me about.

"You must be ash" she says walking towards me as Luke steps back from me.

I can't help but feel anger radiate off of her. Should I be worried....


- updating once a week, and also goes off of votes too, so make sure to vote k;) -

eeeek my second fan fiction ! Im so excited to get back into writing and start another story. I know you guys wanted me to make chapters longer on "i miss you" so I tried to make this stories chapters longer for you too. Hope you guys like the sound of this story so far and if you have any suggestions feel free to COMMENT OR MESSAGE ME AND DONT FORGET TO VOTE BABES! Let me know if you can't see the outfit pic!😁

Please vote it means a lot to me, and let's me know you guys like what's happening/going to happen. vote if you want more than one update a week

Disclaimer : It may be sounding like kiana is being preseved as a bad person, but that is purely for that story in its self! Im not saying at all that this is what she is like in real life, so don't take it personally, it's just my book


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