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Felix knew what he wanted. He wanted Hyunjin.

They stared into each others eyes, just inches apart from each other.

Until Hyunjin moved and took his hands off of Felix. On the inside Felix was screaming so many cuss words because he didn't make a move.

Hyunjin smirked, "you like me touching you?"

"Pff, no." Felix rolled his eyes before standing up from the bed. Hyunjin looked at the other in front of him.

"You're a bottom anyways." Felix muttered before slightly turning to walk away.

Hyunjin grabbed his small wrist, pulling him back onto the bed and flipped them so that now Felix was on his back with his hands above his head and Hyunjin on top of him.

"Says the boy under me in a skirt and crop top." He smirked seeing how flustered Felix was. Hyunjin once again leaned in closer to Felix staring into his sparkling eyes, but this time he leaned in even closer and the two boys shared a passionate kiss.

"I've always wanted to do that."

"Shut up." Felix pulls him in and their lips meet again. Hyunjin smiles into the kiss as he has dreamed about kissing this boy since forever ago. They both felt euphoria in the kiss and could feel all the butterflies going crazy in their stomachs.

Hyunjin deepened the kiss and started to gently rub Felix's thighs. This made the said boy gasp and Hyunjin slipped his tongue in. They made out sloppily and Hyunjin slipped a hand up Felix's skirt. Felix pulled away, he wasn't ready for all of this so soon. "I-I'm sorry I just c-can't do this right now. Sorry." Felix dropped the eye contact between the two and slowly sat up. Hyunjin sat beside the boy and smiled before grabbing the others chin to face him. "I understand, it's okay." Felix smiled, "I'm going to go change." Hyunjin nodded and left the room, going into the kitchen to prepare some food for the two.

Felix came back out in shorts and Hyunjin's oversized hoodie that made him look tiny. He sat down at the kitchen island and watched the other prepare the food. Hyunjin turned around facing the younger, "Ah you little theif, that's where my hoodie went." Felix giggled in reply, "I like it, it's cute."

Hyunjin smiled and turned away to grab bowls and put the ramen into each. He grabbed two glasses and poured the soda into them. He finally sat down beside the other and they both enjoyed their food silently. After eating they washed the dishes together while occasionally throwing bubbles at each other. They eventually settled down on the couch and watched tv until it got dark and the two were tired. Felix left the living room first and walked into their bedroom, he replayed what happened earlier between the two and let a couple of silent tears drop from his eyes.

He hated that he stopped Hyunjin. Now he probably thinks I'm boring and he won't like me anymore. Felix pouted and silently cried on the floor curled into a ball. I always ruin things when it gets good. He thought to himself.

Hyunjin turned the TV off and walked into their room. The sight in front of him broke his heart. To see the boy he loved balled up on the floor crying hurt him. He sat down beside the other making Felix flinch. "What's wrong baby?" Felix didn't answer and kept his head in his knees. Hyunjin sighed and slowly picked the boy up and walked to his bed. He placed the boy in his lap. Felix straddled the other and buried his head in the Hyunjin's neck.

"I'm s-sorry Jinnie." 

Hyunjin rubbed circles into the boys back in an attempt to calm him down, "About what? You did nothing wrong."

"I didn't give you w-what you wanted."

"You gave me everything I wanted." Hyunjin giggled. "As long as you are by my side thats all that I will need, okay? So please, stop the tears."

Felix nodded and soon enough the cries stopped only to little sniffles and those little sniffles soon became soft breaths as the younger fell asleep in Hyunjin's lap.

Hyunjin shifted into a more comfortable position with Felix laying on his chest. He gave him a goodnight kiss on the forehead and turned off the side lamp, closing his eyes and falling asleep.


A/N ~sorry this chapter is short and kinda cringy but anyways thank you for the reads<333

Love you have an amazing dayyy~

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