Chapter 1

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It has been a few days since Kaguya left Dawn Island in search of adventure, now we see her on her small boat drifting along at random while practicing her katas for muay thai and practicing her chakra control. Over the past few days she has also been practicing using her haki.

On the horizon she spots 4 marine ships getting closer to her little ship. ' I wonder where they are heading to, I'll just ignore them '

As she nears them, she can sense about 30 marines on each ship but she doesn't think much on it because they are all weak.  She suddenly hears a cannon go off and she watches the ball get closer little ship and she realizes that it is going to hit her.

The marines cheer as they see the cannon ball hit the little ship and watch it explode.

Marine Captain: whoever was on that ship should know better to than to cross a marine ship.

Kaguya: I see, so this is how you marines operate.  Such a corrupt organization.  I don't think anyone will care if I rid this place of your presence.

Marine Captain: who said that?! Show yourself!

Kaguya appears on the front of the marines boat and stares at them.

Marine Captain: who are you and why are you on my ship?

The other 3 captains from the other ship join the marine Captain that is yelling at Kaguya.

Kaguya: why should I introduce myself to such a lowlife like you? As for why I am on this ship, you just attacked mine. I see no reason why I should not  commandeer yours as compensation.

Marine Captain 2: You can't just take what doesn't belong to you! That is acting like a pirate!!

The rest of the marines agree by shouting " yeah" " that's right " while Kaguya just stares at the captains.

Kaguya: I see that this conversation will go nowhere. I will just take it by force and kill the rest of you.

She instantly appears in front of the captains and shoves here hand through one of the captains hearts. All the marines stare in shock as the captain screams out in agony as he coughs up blood. Kaguya just stares at him with no emotion and throws his body down to the rest of the marines.  The marines draw there weapons and rush at Kaguya while the captains attempt to draw there swords only for Kaguya to disappear and appear in front of the marines on the deck and focuses her charkra into her hair and shoots out her hair like needles into all the marines and the all drop dead soaking the deck in their blood.

Marine: she is a monster! He says with a shaky voice.

Marine Captain: marine, escape and report this to hq. She can't be allowed to roam free. We will hold her off.

Marine: Sir!

As he is about get on a small boat to leave Kaguya appears with a random sword she picked up from a dead marine and cuts the marine captains head off.

Marine captain: why are you doing this?!

Kaguya just looks at him like he is stupid. " you attacked me first, this is just retaliation. You started this "

The marine that is about to leave on the dingy shouts in pain as he falls over dead from the sword kaguya threw into his chest.

Marine captain: Who are you!?

Kaguya just stopped holding up the other Marine Captain by his neck and looks at him. " I am Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, and you will die here here today because your foolish comrad attacked me first " the Marine Captain watches as she breaks the captain neck and drops him.

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