Trans Bakugo

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Bakugo was born as a female. She was always envious of boys. She did a bunch of research on her sticky Ipad, to see if it was possible to become a guy but being born female. After a while, she found something called LGTBQIA+ She ended up doing more research, she found Transgender.
She decided to check it more she found the FTM trans. She decided to wait 2 years for when she was 6 to ask her mom about it.

The next week
First day of school

"Mommy, I don't wanna go. What if they don't wanna be my friends?"

"Katsumi, I'm sure they'll love you. Just don't be mean. Ok? "

"Hmmmmm... Ok!"

"Ok love mommy needs to go to work. Bye baby."

"Bye Ma."

She entered the classroom to see a bunch of students stare at her as she walked in. It made her nervous and anxious. She decided to ignore the stares and find some friends.

Nobody caught her eye they all were together or just were nasty. She continued walking to the reading books corner.
She found a green boy writing in a book. He was all alone. Katsumi approached the little green-headed boy.

"Hello!" she said tapping lightly on his head. He lifted his head to her. He had freckles and very bright emerald eyes. He smiled widely and his eyes lit up.

"Hi! I'm Izuku Midoriya! I'm 5 what's your name? How old are you?"

Katsumi stood there processing, she got down and sat on the carpet right in front of him.

"First don't talk so fast. And my name is Katsumi and I'm 4"

"Sorry I was talking so fast I just got excited, I didn't mean to confuse you," he said scratching behind his head with a nervous smile.

"Mhm, anyway do you know what LGTBQIA+ is?"

"I do actually! Omg, do you support it too??!"

"I have a secret about it," she said low to not catch anyone else's attention.

'Really what is it??' (' this means whispering)

'When I turn six im gonna ask mommy if I can turn into a boy!'

"I support you fully! But you do know that your girl parts will still be there right? :("

"Ofc I do. Im, not a dumbass nerd."

"Hey don't say bad words!"

She let out a chuckle, "whatever you say, Zuzu"

His face lit a bright red to the sudden nickname. He was internally screaming.🤡.

So on, they've never left each other side. There were arguments and fight now and then. But it wasn't able to separate them.

2 years later

Today was the day she finally told her mother and father. She walked to the living room where they both were.

"Mommy? Papa?"
They both stopped what they were doing and a smile lit on their faces. Mitsuki picked her up and put her on her lap in a position she was facing them both.

"Yes, Katsumi?"

"Do you guys know what LGTBQIA+ is?"

"Yes, we do. What about it?"

"Would you let me be trans FTM?"

They looked at each other and smiled.

"We don't care if you want to be our prince or princess your still our baby"

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