How can one, be this beautiful

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*From Wilhelm's perspective*
All these pictures, all the people staring, yelling after me... I hate it. "Prince Wilhelm, can you hear me? Prince?" I can hear someone saying, so Im taking out my earbuds. "What?" I say. "Here's you're speech" she say while handing over a piece of paper. "Wait which speech??" I say in confusion. "The speech where you ask for forgiveness" she tells me. Why did I have to punch him, I could've just walked away instead of starting a fight. "Do I seriously have to do this? Can't we just let it slide?" I ask, because I hate giving speeches. "No, your mother has been very clear about it" arghh shit. I start reading the speech, so that I can prepare myself at least. "For this reason, my parents and I have decided, that I will enroll at Hillerska Boarding school immediately" My parents and I?? Seriously? I never agreed to this. No one cares what I want. I don't want to go to some boarding school, I wanna live a normal life, just like everyone else. I know that being a prince is a privilege and I'm grateful for that, but I also hate it. I don't even get to make my own decisions and everyone is treating me differently and weird, but I'm just a person.

I keep asking my mom if I can't just stay at the school I go to now, because even though that it isn't exactly great and I'm not rly loving the my current school, it's better than going to some fancy boarding school I think. But she won't listen. She doesn't give a shit what I think as usually. I'm so frustrated and I keep biting my nails. I bite my nails every time I get anxious or frustrated or something like that.

I rly don't want to give the speech but I kinda have too. "I am sorry for my actions, after I've been giving a more official role as a prince I've been stressed out and that has caused me to act irresponsibly. I can inform you that no one is more disappointed in me than my parents and myself. I would also like to inform you that my parents and I have decided that I will enroll at Hillerska Boarding school immediately" I absolutely hate that speech, everyone can see that i don't mean a word of what I just said, but at least the speech part is over now.

My big brother Erik is driving me to the school, I'm glad that he's with me. My parents suck but I can talk to him and trust him. And he's always cheering me up when I'm sad. When I came at the school, my second cousin August was welcoming me. I hate him, he's such a dick. I can't explain exactly why I hate him, he's just annoying. Like you know those people who you just hate? Like the way they walk, the way they talk, like their whole body language and just everything about them. Yeah that's how I feel about August, i literally can't describe how much I hate him.

When I come inside, I have to have taken pictures of literally everything I do. Agrhh again, I hate this part about being a prince. After that, I'm led into some church looking room, I'm not sure what it exactly is though. There's many people sitting on the benches and up front there's this scene thing? I have to sit at the front. A little bit after I sit down, there's people coming out on the scene thing, amongst them I see my childhood friend Felice. She waves and smiles at me, so I smile back. August ask if I know her, and I answer yes of course. Then he keeps talking about her and how he wants to marry her, so he obviously has a crush on her.

Then they start singing, it sounds good. But then I hear the most beautiful voice. It's so nice and conforming. I look to see who it is and I see a boy. He have curly, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. I'm shocked that a voice can sound this beautiful and I start to get goosebumps. The boy make me so happy that I start to smile, I'm lost in his voice and for a minute, I forget all my worries.

Guys sorry if this is bad😩 I'll edit it. But can you guys pls comment if u what these chapters or whatever it is to be longer

Also guys I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever, I've just had no motivation

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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