Maple ♡

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The story of the stars doesn't seem that weird does it? Well you don't know yet do you well it'll all come together at some point, right? Well also no in this story it's all just what it is nothing good but nothing bad nothing to weird nothing to bland- JUST START THE STUPID STORY, okokok no need to panic like that. Ok then let's begin....

It all starts with a person called maple. Maple is a quiet kid they're in 7th grade, is bullied frequently and their parents dont have the best rateinship. All of this and maple doesn't care. They don't pay attention to that stuff. It's normal for them but the one thing that isn't normal is the voice in their head. It sounds different than usual. It's saying stuff like are you a boy and expecting an answer or are you even human. Maybe I'm not normal..

In deed I'm not normal, I asked Conner what he thought all he said was "I don't know maybe look it  up" so I did, it said I was non-binary? But that doesn't feel right. maybe the voice in my head is right, maybe I'm not human. I really need to stop thinking about this. I should go to the store, as I said I went to the store there was so much good stuff there then the voice in my head came back and explained what pride was? That was a bit weird don't you think? I know what pride is why tell me something I already know That sounds so stupid to me. So I went home since there wasn't anything for me at the store. I wasn't there for anything inpurticulur I wanted anyway so why stay. I have homework to do and I need to get a good grade!

Hey Conner, how are you? "I'm good, how about you, you seemed off in class. Did someone hurt you? If so I'll punch them" Conner exclaimed while putting his hands up and punching air, I laughed and said simply "No it's fine I'll be fine all that o ok was the normal getting pushed in the hallway." He just kinda stared at me blankly like I did something wrong. This lasted for about a minute then he asked "that's really normal?" He was just there almost like I thought this wasn't normal. I stood up and looked at him with the "let's go somewhere else" glar, of course he got the jist of it and we left. Off to my house!

"Hey wait up" Conner quietly shouted and I waited for him to come closer but then one of those people from school that push me and Conner around came up to us and asked "what are you doing we still have five minutes of class left go back to class maybe you guys are just dumb and can't think straight" Ian aka the "smart" kid of the class. Yes, the smart kid's a bully? He uses the fact that all the teachers adore him to his advantage. If he told even one of the teachers that we were out of school we will get into trouble, so in this situation what would you do? A, kick him in the balls B, kick him in the ball or C kick him in the balls then take him to the trash? I picked C of course, "one check off my bucket list I killed a person today feelin great!" Says Conner happily

Me and Conner than went to my house to have a discussion about what to say and what not to say in front of people saying some like "that isn't normal" will tell you apart from others it doesn't matter what you do nothing can stop it it's unstoppable, after the discussion I made Conner go home I felt extremely guilty because of today and my parents didn't make it any better. Life sucks, Why are we on this planet called earth? I hate living.
I went to school no one even looked at me I wasn't even counted for attendance and Conner looks worried I tried to ask him what was wrong at lunch but all he did was sitting there a bit startled, I'm confused it seems like people can hear me but can't see me what do I even do in this situation, am I dead? "No......" what!?

"Hey~"  i've been hearing this voice for 20 minutes now, i decided to ignore it since i can't be heard or seen by people so why should i care. "Hello why are you ignoring me im not annoying you am i, i can see you yea know" you think i haven't notice that yet, what do you want " im telling you that you'll have to wish to become visible again but you have to mean it, oh look at the time its my break ok well my names yellow bye"

A/N: I literally hate the beginning of this chapter it sucks so please don't mind it I'll continue this in a bit the writing will get better I promise! - ☘️

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