Ethan's Day

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Ethan had a random day at work it was in all ways like any other expect for one. Which was that he was doing junior doctor training the junior doctors that were new. There was a big group so he tries to get through all the things but time is running out so he decides to be the patient in the rp

"what do you diagnose" said Ethan to Nurse Grogan who was one of the news then she said "angina"

Ethan said well done the right answer it was a slightly bad day because he woke up thinking about cal which upset him but it wasn't as bad as other days of his grief. So he talked to people at work to stop the sadness about his brother he used to be at work with

But there was no one around at the nurse's station but so he chose to do research on the computers to take his mind off the things that were making him reminder off cal such as the new staff member in scrubs like cal's

So then he got to the computers as he was looking up the condition of a patient he saw angina in the list he clicked on it

Then he thought wait I've actually got angina then he went to see dr james his gp and got diagnosed with angina this would actually change his life

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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