Chapter 14

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The next day.

"Good Morning darling" Kobe said kissing Mike.  "Good Morning daddy" Mike smirked kissing him. "no, I'm still tired as fuck from last night. Fucking rode me like a harley good lord" Kobe chuckled. "My bad" Mike chuckled. "Im pretty sure everybody fucked" Kobe chuckled. "Same-ahhh. FUck Im disabled" Mike groaned who fell out the bed. "For a while" Kobe chuckled.


"Good Morning Baby boy" Stokeley said. "Morning" Jahseh mumbled. "What's wrong" Stokeley chuckled. "I can't feel my ass and my legs" Jahseh said. "You'll be ight" Stokeley laughed. "you laughing now but finna be cryin once I'm bout to kill yo ass" Jahseh said. "You can't kill me." Stokeley chuckled. "Because I can't feel shit nigga, Just wait" Jahseh said slowly getting up.


"Good Morning baby girl" Jiggy said. " morning" Cohen muffled said. "You okay there my love. You seem tired" Jiggy said. "I am." Cohen said. "You should cause shit mamas, Damn" Jiggy said. "Told I can ride you like a rover" Cohen smirked. "I know, Should've believed you" Jiggy said. "Mhhm" Cohen hummed in agreement chuckling a bit. "I hear you laughing" Jiggy said tickling him causing to Cohen laughed out loud.


"Good morning Cutie"  Mattia said. "Meh" Kairi said turning over. "get ya ass up" Mattia said slapping his thigh. "AHHH YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" Kairi yelled in pain. "Told you to get up" Mattia laughed. "You fucking asshole fuck you" Kairi said. "SHit I did last night and you were loud" Mattia smirked. "I hate you but I Love you" Kairi mumbled. "Aww, I do too" Mattia kissed his cheek. "you fucking know those are my weakness" Kairi blushed. "That's why I did it" Mattia said.


"Morning Mamas" Derek said. "good morning" Vallyk said quietly. "What's wrong" Derek said. "Nothing, My throat hurts"  Vallyk said. "Don't worry I'm finna make some tea for y'all cause I'm pretty sure all of y'all throats hurts." Derek chuckled. "And I wanna cuddle more" Vallyk said. "Come on" Derek chuckled.


Everybody was  up and downstairs laughing. "Jah, why you laying like that" Mike asked. "My ass hurt" Jahseh said. "My throat hurts" Vallyk said. "So this confirmed that we all took dick and pussy last night" Kairi said. "Mhhm" everybody hummed. "Where's Liz And Lonnie?" Cohen asked.


"Wake up" Lonnie said. "No" Liz mumbled turning around. "Get ya thick ass up. I'm not asking again" Lonnie said. "Make me" Liz turned. "You asked for it." Lonnie said going under the covers and she started to play with her clit. "oH fuckkk you" Liz groaned waking up. Lonnie then stuck her tongue in her causing her to moan louder. "Fuck I'm se- Oh my GOSH" Liz moaned loudly. Lonnie stopped and kissed her lips. "Try me again" Lonnie said smirking. "no ma'am" Liz said.


"This lazy girl didn't wanna get up" Lonnie said walking downstairs. "leave me alon-AHH" Liz said falling down the stairs. "Ion, why you trippin" Mike said. " She brought out her strap" Liz mumbled. "WHELP! This is where- You don't do shit" Kobe cut off Mike. "Yea that" Mike chuckled nervously."Nunca me dejes divertirme"(Translation: Never let me have my fun) Mike mumbled lowly. "I did last night" Kobe smirked. "I forgot you know spanish" Mike groaned. "mhm" Kobe hummed in disbelief. "I'm surprised Kobe didn't fuck you to you only knew spanish" Kairi chuckled. "I'm surprised Mattia Mattia fucked you to where you can't walk anymore. Oh wait, he did" Mike snickered. "You can't be talking" Kairi said.

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