Chapter 2: A New Light

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The next morning , the alarm clock blared loudly waking Jayce. He opened one eye hitting the snooze button to shut it off. He rolled over until he was sitting on the edge of the bed then stood up to walk to the bathroom.

He turned the water on. Cold water. He filled his hands then threw it against his face rubbing his eyes. He sighed with sadness following behind it. His voice shook after taking a huge breath.

"Jayce," He heard April yell up the steps, "Your breakfast is going to get cold."

He sighed then grabbed a towel and wiped his face clean. He heard the sudden knock on the bathroom door. He sighed aggravatedly after hearing April call for him once more.

He opened the door and stared at her with a strong silent glare. 

She smiled and chuckled softly, "You definitely have your mother's nasty stare."

Jayce scoffed then showed a small smile and headed out the door, walking down the sidewalks to school. 

He walked through the entrance doorways and saw a man speaking to the principle, walking out of the office. Jayce could read mouth movement so he could interpret what they were saying.

"So," The principle began, "You are our substitute, Mr.?" 

"Ty. Just Ty." The principle rustled through some papers in his hand while nodding.

"Welcome to Blackburn High, Mr. Ty." The principle shook his hand then headed back into the office.

Ty then noticed Jayce keeping his sights on him and looked away the second Ty looked over at him then made his way passed his locker and into a classroom. Ty chuckled.

Jayce then sat down behind his desk. The students watched him as he made his way from the door to his seat. Some of the students behind, beside, and in front of his desk asked making sure he was alright and giving their condolences while others never really acknowledged him.

Ty then walked into the classroom placing textbooks along the teacher's desk. He cleared his throat. Jayce looked up questioning who this man was and why he suddenly showed up.

Jayce ignored the fact and looked down at his notebook drawing what looked like blades pointing up toward a stone in the blank sky until the day was up. Becoming lost in his thoughts and drawings was all he really needed.

As the hours passed on, the final bell had rung for the students to leave. Jayce walked to his locker, looking around to find no sign of Ty anywhere. He opened up the locker to put away his books until suddenly, his temple of his forehead tightened and twitched. He held his hand up against his head.

He heard a sudden laughter in his mind like he was going crazy.

Was he going crazy? He had to be. The voice behind the maniacal laughter did not sound familiar anyway.

"So, the prodigal son." Jayce groaned in pain questioning the voice.

"It is true," The man added, "Your parents have kept you young and well for being the next so-called hero."

"Wh-Who are you? What do you want from me?" Jayce strained.

The man chuckled, "You will find out soon enough, kid. I hope your mother had taught you well."

Jayce groaned then he felt a hand touch his shoulder. He then jumped two feet to see Ty stand behind him after he fell to the floor.

"Are you alright?" Ty asked, kneeling down.

Jayce quickly looked around noticing he was still in the school. He looked up at Ty then quickly stood up.

"I am fine." Jayce scoffed then slammed his locker and made his way through the entrance. Ty sighed as he watched him exit the building.

"Krator seems to be getting stronger." He thought.

Ty chuckled and with a moment of silence he left the building.

The Elemental Stones: Jayce's beginningWhere stories live. Discover now