Paolo ~ You Belong To Me

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Trigger Warning!
For those who may have experienced kidnapping, harassment, or rape, or have never experienced any of that (hopefully, Amen) but you are the person who can't stand it, just skip to the next chapter. But I'll try not to make it too explicit.

Playlist: Every breath you take by Chase Holfelder


(Started 1 year ago)

Paolo enters a room to meet someone who is visiting him. He had never known the man before.

"I'm Gustavo Antolini, the lawyer of Mrs Caterina Petrova," the man introduced himself.

Paolo exhaled in anger, even though Gustavo had not yet conveyed his intention. Needless to say, Paolo had already guessed. His wife hired a lawyer definitely not to get him out of jail. If that was the goal, Gustavo should have come a few months ago before the verdict on his sentence was decided.

As Paolo had expected, Gustavo handed over the divorce papers for Paolo to sign. But he tore it up. And since then he refuses to be visited. Even when Caterina came a few months ago, he didn't want to see her either.

And he became even more insane when he learned from one of his loyal subordinates that Caterina lived on an island with Vincenzo.

From the first time the boy set foot in the Cassano family, Paolo had disliked him. He hated the look in his eyes, as if there was something behind them that made him feel threatened. Vincenzo also never respected him who had a higher position.

But what made him decide to try to kill Vincenzo, was not because he was afraid that the consigliere would take his position as boss, but because Caterina was on Vincenzo's side. Paolo, who is easily ignited by jealousy, immediately suspects his wife of having an affair with his adopted brother.

And when he found out that they were now living together, he became even more convinced that there was something between them. Even though he also knows that Vincenzo has married another woman, it still doesn't erase his jealousy.



A few weeks ago, Paolo finally signed the divorce papers. But that didn't mean he really wanted to separate from Caterina. He had devised a plan, assisted by his loyal subordinates.

His hands were handcuffed as he walked out of the prison to the court office. He was delivered using a special minibus for prisoners, with iron bars on each window and separating the back seat from the driver. A guard also sat beside him to look after him.

At the third intersection, Paolo gripped the iron railing tightly, and a truck hit the minibus until it overturned. Several people dressed in all black with masks covering their faces got out of the truck, shot the guards, then took out their boss.

Paolo doesn't care about the blood flowing from his forehead, the important thing is that he is free and will get his woman back.


Caterina and Alberto, who had just arrived at the Milan airport, were picked up by Santiago. They went straight to court. Gustavo had already left and they would meet there.

On the way, their white car was also hit by a black van. Caterina screamed and tried her best to fight back when the men getting out of the van pulled her.

Even though he was badly injured from the heavy impact, Alberto tried to help his madam. He pulled out a gun and shot several people. But...


He was shot in the head from behind, from inside a white car.


When Caterina regained consciousness, she was in a luxurious room, lying on a large bed full of flowers. But she couldn't move her body. Her hands were cuffed to the iron on the headboard and her legs were tied with ropes in an open position, forming an X.

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