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warnings: dom!hyunjin, bestfriends to lovers, smut

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warnings: dom!hyunjin, bestfriends to lovers, smut


"Hey! What the hell!" You groan and try to take your Nintedo Switch back from your bestfriend, Hyunjin. You had both known eachother since the 6th grade. You were both now in 12th grade and adults. But that didnt stop the two of you from acting childish.

"No! Not until you apologize for eating the rest of my candies! I was saving them for later!" He pouted like a little kid. It was honestly really cute. Unfortunately you had to apologize for eating the rest of his Halloween candy or there'd be no getting your Switch back. He was tall and petty like that.

"I'm very truly sorry for eating the candy thats a whole month old and i thought wouldnt be eaten." You huff. He hands you your switch back and you groan. "I lost because of you!" You  then feel hands wrapped around your waist. It wasnt uncommon, he was very much into skinship, and you were too. "Stop that tickles, Jinnie! You're gonna make me lose again!" You said as you attempted to zoom past other cars in Mario Kart. He only chuckles and watched you from behind.

In all honesty, you adored all the small friendly hugs he gave you. When he stayed over and snuggled you as you two slept. Every little touch, you savored. You would never admit it, but you were in love with him. Yet both of your families and he himself, assumed the love was simply familial. That you viewed him as nothing but a brother. And that was true for a time. But that aged like milk, and now the love is different.

You had zoned out and lost again, but he noticed. "Are you okay? What was that? You just stopped playing and zoned out. Whats going on in that head of yours?" He smiled warmly and patted your head. You almost cry when he pulls away from you. This was getting more and more unbearable.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about how good those candies tasted......with that sundae." He gasped in offence. "YOU ATE MY SUNDAE TOO?" This was your cue to run. You ran into your bedroom and he caught up, pinning you to the bed. You were both laughing. That was until you realized the situation you were in. "Sorry for eating your sundae." You said, thinking he'll let you go. But he didnt, he only smiled. "Its okay, ill just eat your stuff later." He didnt move even slightly. He stayed staring down at you, like prey.

"Jinnie... are you going to let me go?" You laughed nervously. He laughed as well but shook his head. "Absolutely fucking not, doll." You were confused, scared and turned on more than anything. "W-Why not...?"

He growled and leaned in to your ear. "You need to learn a lesson." You shuddered and stayed put as he let you go and began running his long fingers down your body. "I find it funny how you havent yelled at me or pushed me away. You just stay where i put you like a plush toy. Why exactly is that? Is there something you havent been telling me?" He knew exactly ehat he was doing to you. You refused to answer, how the hell could you tell him you've had fantasies of you and him together? Both dirty and cute.

"Hm. Guess I'll just leave then." He let your body go and almost immediately you stopped him. "No! Jinnie please, keep touching me..." You teared up a little. "What is it you've been hiding huh?" Everything was simply teasing until he slid his hand down your sweatpants, full access to you as you didnt feel the need for underwear since you were comfortable in your own house. You didnt tell him to stop nor did you say anything. "Tell me or i wont help you." He spoke as he collected some of your arousal onto his finger.

"I think about you... late at night when i cant sleep... I think about you touching me... S-Sleeping with me.." You sniffled slightly, and he wiped away your tears with his free hand. "So good for me, doll. So good." He began touching you where you needed it most, sliding 2 fingers in and out of you. "So wet... how often do you really think of me? I know its not only at night." You whined as he hit a sensitive spot inside you. "T-There, ah... M-Mmm... All the time... Especially when you come over.." You answered, completely submissive for him.

He smirked at your answer and began hitting that spot over and over for you as a reward for telling him. "Is that what you were thinking of earlier? I sae your eyes staring at my hands around your waist. You like my hands?" You nod eagerly and he tsks. "Words, doll." You groan as he slows down his thrusting with his fingers. "Yes! I do and i was thinking of you!" Your face was completely red now.

You almost scream as he speeds up and holds your hips down with his free hand. Soon you're cumming all over his fingers. "You did so so so good." He smiles after he helps you ride it out. He pulls his fingers out of your pants and puts them in his mouth to clean them.

You sniffle, feeling gross, tired, and emotional. He slipped you out of your clothes, completely ignoring his own arousal and drew you a bath. You are too tired to deny it and he cleans you up gently in the tub, letting your body but more so your mind relax. He knows its a lot emotionally for you to handle.

"Hyunjin... I.. I think i love you..." You say sleepily. After everything that just happened, he isnt suprised or even taken aback. "You think or you know, doll?" He says chuckling. "I do.. I love you, Hwang Hyunjin." He places a kiss to your temple as you begin drifting off into a nap, but before you fall asleep, he responds. "I love you too. Since the 6th grade." You smile as you fall asleep int the tub. Hyunjin just finished bathing you and helped you into some PJs before laying you in bed.

He may not have been too tough on you physically, but emotionally and mentally, he knows he was. He doesnt leave you. He gets in bed next to you and lets you nap snuggling him.

"I really do love you, doll..."


word count: 1124

well! how was that? i suck at smut ik but ill get better. its been a while since ive written much of anything thats why these have been so bad.

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