I-i... Cht4

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Ever since my line cut off I went and spent the night at my bestie lisanna's place. "Are you sure?" "How the hell can I not be!?" "Idk!" "Lisanna I'm fucking serious someone is-" tears come streaming down my face and I hide my crying face with my hands. "I'm sorry lucy-San it's just I always thought if someone was to rape you or put you in a trunk, was for they can take you away sorry..." She hugs me tightly and after she fell asleep, I stayed up thinking about how she was right, obviously he didn't want to hurt me or anything...well only he knows..
The next morning
We get up and go to school "hey watch out!-" a football came flying and hit my face. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I look up and see Natsu. "Natsu? Oh no it's fine" I blush and he smiles "we'll catch YA later miss heartfilia" he jokes then runs off. "Damn... He's cute-" "and totally into you!" Erza happily pops up behind me. "W-w-w-what?!" "I mean it's obvious Natsu wants you!" "Ha.ha nope... Wbu and jellal aye?" I smirk and she blushes "he's my boyfriend" "no way!" "Yes way" she nods proud of herself. "Congrats erza!" "Haha we'll see you later lucy I have to go to class" "alright see you erza!-" "lucy come with me" someone covers my mouth and drags me outside. "Why weren't you at home!? I was gonna pick you up! Like I always do!" I turn around to see the person who's been 'stalking' me, "I-I-...no way..."

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