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I don't say anything about what I discovered when we are in the car. Emily asked me how I was doing and I said it went fine. That I even felt a little bit better

I was lying

When we get to her house Emily sits down at the kitchen table and I lean against the counter

"So? What happened?" She asks me

"Nothing much, just learned some new info"

Emily looks up at me

"Well? Tell me"

"Apparently his whole plan was to kill me, he never loved me it was just some kind of sick game" I say grabbing a wine bottle from the top of the fridge

"Holy shit"
"Wait Mae do you think thats a good idea?" She says pointing at the wine bottle

"I think I can think for myself so yes"

I pour some wine into a wine glass and take a sip. I feel the liquid on my tongue and smile slightly

"But that isn't even the most interesting part" I say taking another sip before putting the wine glass down

"Someone else was in on it too" I say walking towards the drawers

"What like one of Kais friends?" Emily says following me with her eyes

"Something like that" I say opening the drawer and staring at the shining silverware

Emily gets up and walks towards me

"What do you mean Mae, you are being weird"

"Why did you help him Emily?" I say my words come out so casual it almost seems like I'm just having a normal conversation

"What are you talking about? I don-"

"He told me everything, so know you are going to tell me everything" I say grabbing a knife from the drawer and pushing it against Emily's throat pushing her up against the wall

"Mae-" she says her voice raspy

"Tell. Me. Everything."

"Well what was i supposed to do, you are a horrible friend. You only talked about yourself and everything was too hard for you or too soon. Its exhausting, you need to realize that NOBODY cares about your sad little backstory. Its been so long since all that shit happened and you STILL manage to make it your personality. So yea I saw an opportunity to get rid of you and your whining so I did help him"

I feel like I want to cry. Some part of me was still hoping that Kai had just gotten into my head and that he was lying. That Emily would never do that. But I was stupid to have that hope. People are never as good as you want them to be

"Do you regret it?" I say with tears in my eyes

"No, I wish he had killed you" she says blankly. No sign of remorse. Just a backstabbing bitch who never actually cared about me

I hate her. Emily hurt me in a way that I can't comprehend. I didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve any of this. I don't deserve to suffer or feel any type of pain. But I was wrong. Some people do deserve to suffer. Like the woman who is at the faith of my knife right now. I'm done with feeling bad for bad people. Emily and Kai both deserve to rot. With Kai I already made sure of that. He is going to die in prison. But I need to take some responsibility and take care of this myself.

My knife cuts into Emily's throat and I slide it to the side making the blood spray out of her throat and onto me. I don't push her onto the wall anymore and she sags to the ground. She looks up with me with the last piece of energy she has left before I realize she isn't looking at me anymore. She isn't looking at anything, and she never will again

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