the wild hunt strikes Loua!51

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Hannah told me to check out the Christmas party location, i need to get to-

"Loua get out of here!" i heard Bri scream! i looked down the snow slope and i saw dad and Loua were hurt! i screeched as loud as i could to the sky to signal the rest of the pack! and i turned into my mega bat form and i struck the wild hunt knight! thankfully my pack wasn't too far. once they began attacking, i rushed to dad and Loua!

Bri helped dad up, and Loua was bleeding! i held her head in my lap as i began to cry!

'no,'i thought to myself, 'please don't take my sister!'

"i don't want to go..."she cried, i lifted her and held her in my arms....rocking her back and forth...crying as i wanted to do something, but dragon beings don't have the same powers in regeneration!

"i don't want to say goodbye........i'll never see you again...."

"no," i sniffled. "it doesn't mean i wont see you again, goodbyes aren't permanent." i heard dad sit next to me and he looked into my baby sisters eyes...i saw him begin to did Bri...

"we'll se each other day..."i said, trying to hold my smile and stop the tears that just wouldn't stop flowing and stinging my eyes.... dad and Bri were trying, but i could see they were hurting just as badly as i am. she tried to break a smile to her pain but i knew then and would be the last time i would see her smile again...

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