Element AU - Subject 2.1

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"...oh god" Duncan steps into the room, slowly lowering his pistol, Sam and Travis comically peek over each of his shoulders, inside, they could see a man with a lab coat laid on the ground with his legs cut off, and nowhere to be seen, his shirt and chest teared open.

"Is it dead?" The redhead whispers, going on his toes and raising his head, his stomach suddenly twists, he goes off his toes and looks over to Travis, almost hugging his shotgun as a shiver goes down his spine "It's not moving..." Duncan briefly looks at Sam by his peripheral vision and shrugs, putting away his gun and looking around the room.

Sam gulps, hesitantly putting his weapon over his shoulder, following Duncan inside "Wait, you're scared?" Travis hurries to the redhead's side, a playful smirk on his face, almost making fun of him, Sam sighs "It's not fear, i just have a bad feeling–"

The two stop by the body, it's even worse than it looked from the door, the thing that called Sam's attention is how most of his ribs are broken with a weird symmetrical pattern, where there's groups with three broken ribs between two normal ribs, all his organs are missing "Dude!" Travis pokes him with his elbow, enthusiastic as always "Look at his head!"

Sam freezes, tears threatening to go up his throat as his grips on his shotgun's strap tightens, the man's head is turned on a inhuman angle, his face is somehow positioned where the top of his head should be, his chin resting on the floor, it looks...familiar, just not in good way, The redhead feels his heart start pounding, he couldn't pinpoint what was so similar to that body.

"That's messed up..." Sam looks away from the body, feeling his insides twist once again, he has seen bodies worse than that man, why is this one making him feel sick? Travis raises an eyebrow, looking at his friend with a certain concern.

"They've been here..." Duncan thinks out loud, Sam looks over his shoulder, spotting him by a table at the other side of the room "who's been here?" Sam and Travis exchange glances and turn to get closer to Duncan.

"The Weaver kids! Listen to this" He turns to the two, cleaning his throat as he holds a dirty paper "Subject 2.1, Timas Weaver, 14 years old, suitability: appropriate..." Duncan holds back a smile as Sam raises his eyebrows, pushing his nausea aside, just as invested, Travis, on the other hand, had wandered to the table and started fiddling with something "Subject showed signs of aggressiveness ever since he was brought to us, refusing to eat and sleep, the way we've found to get him to cooperate is to leave him in the same room as subject 2.2, one he seems to be quite protective of."

"Suitability? What is he suitable for?" Sam thinks out loud as well, suddenly shivering and trembling "All i know is: Timas is a weird ass name" Travis chimes in with a playful tone, earning a repressed giggle from Sam.

"I have to agree with you on that one. Okay, the kids were Benny, Tim&Tom, Caleb and Lillian" Duncan counts each names on his fingers "If this is Tim...who's subject 2.2?" They stay in silence for a few seconds, until Duncan speaks up again.
"Continuing: 'crossed out' 2008, the subject has been showing signs of discomfort, we did a check-up, his eyes are bloodshot and started gaining pigments, we'll keep him under observation until further notice. 'crossed out' 2008, the subject has been showing more violent behaviors than before, we have been needing to strap down and sedate him to do the daily tests, we knew he was suitable, but being face to face with such project it's truly fascinating..." Duncan finishes, pulling a folder from his backpack and gently puts it with the other files, quickly organizing it.

Sam feels a wave of discomfort emerging, quickly looking over his shoulder, the body is just as he last saw it, a few feet from the body, he saw a paper, it looked to have something written in blood.

Hesitant, he gets closer, picking it up and analysing it, for a gross and stinky paper, it does have a lovely handwriting, sighing, he starts reading out loud "My mama used to say that we were sinners, everything wrong she blamed on us, she said we ruined her life the day they noticed my twin couldn't walk on his own and like that, she rejected us, focusing on her flawless little boy! The one born right after us.
We were lucky papa cared about us, i know he wouldn't leave us behind...i still wonder, what have you done to mama after she was caught on your web? Did you keep her on your chest, close to your heart as she kept you on hers? Or did you just wrap her on your web just like the corpses of the 'flies' you captured over the years? All i know, is that your venom still fucking hurts us, Arachnner.
James. If you're reading this, i hope you burn in the fiery pits of hell" Sam went pale, Arachnner...? Like arachnid?!

"Wait, 'my twin'?! There's twins involved?!" Duncan mutters to himself, the redhead stares at the dead man a few feet ahead, everything made sense! That weird feeling, the nausea, it was his arachnophobia kicking in as the other side is trying to bring a spider of some sort to that body.

"Ah! Arachnner, that's how it's pronounced!" Sam looks over to Travis, who's proudly holding a piece of paper, from what he could see, there was a ritual symbol he recognized as the one who summons creatures, the paper at the redhead's hands slowly falling to the ground as realization hits him, this is a trap!

Suddenly, the body spasms violently, his ribs extend and bend out of his chest, the unbroken touching the floor and lifting the rest of the body out of the floor, while the broken opened to what resembled a mouth with pointy teeth, Sam harshly turns back to the body, eyes widen as he feels the tears finally escaping.

The Arachnner turns with dexterity, it's eyeless face twitching with anger as he stares at Sam, letting out a distorted howl as it tries to grab Sam with it's human hands, the creature fades in and out of existence, looking transparent but at same time something physical, his mind can't bring itself to comprehend the beast Infront of him, almost trying to protect him from insanity.

"Sam!" His shotgun's strap presses against his chest as someone grabs his gun and pull him back, before Sam knew, Travis was holding him and Duncan standing Infront of them, already shooting the Arachnner.

"Sam, look at me!" Travis puts his hands on Sam's shoulders "That's not a spider, it's just a guy that was brutally murdered–" He nervously laugh.

"Trav, i need your help!" Duncan calls, reloading his pistol, the Arachnner howls again, taking a step backwards as it's shakes it's head, overwhelmed by the amount of times it was shot, but it looked completely fine.

"Dunc needs my help. Stay here, we'll deal with it, okay?" Travis pulls his baseball bat from the table, holding it with both of his hands "I said for you to not call me that!" Duncan goes back to shooting the Arachnner.

"Noted, Dunc!" Travis runs passed Duncan, stopping by the reanimated body and smashing one if the legs – ribs – into pieces.

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