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First, Tanjiro's first date in the campus, Yuri. On the first date, Tanjiro had told me it was great, and she was great. When I met her though, red flags were coming out.

She had a necklace from her ex. That would be fine if the breakup didn't happen... 2 months ago!

People don't move on that easily. Having a physical reminder of that person doesn't help. Maybe a year after your breakup, you can wear it again, but not 2 months

She has cheated on one of her exes before, and she FLEXED about it. What. The. Fuck

I don't get how he doesn't see that she was bad.

Not bringing a wallet on our hangout at the mall. Forcing me and Tanjiro to pay for her.

After 2 weeks, I forced him to stop seeing her. I did not want to see his first relationship go sideways

Second, Mai, an athletic, and rich person, who was also quite good at first. The red flags were only showing at the 2 month marker of their relationship

She was becoming more manipulative. She was forcing him to do things he did not want to do.

Giving him gifts, and using that as leverage next time when she needs something. Paying for him when he didn't ask, and using that as leverage too

Venting to Tanjiro, but never listening to him.

Many times he has come to me to vent or talk to because she didn't want to listen to his talks. Yet she has the audacity to vent to him when she needs

At four months, I told him to break up with her, and he happily obliged, thankfully

Third, Eichi, a smart and witty girl, who was friends with many people, and was considered the wonder girl of the college

She was great, funny, fun to be around, everyone loved her.

Everyone loving her was also the reason why I saw the red flag very early.

You see, when everyone loves someone, it's either they're likeable, or they change their personality based on the person

The fact she didn't have ANY enemies, was making me think she was the second option

Someone will hate you even though you are likeable as heck

Cracks started to be seen at the fourth month of their relationship. She showed her true self way more

She was actually a jealous, easily irritable, and annoying girl.

At their first month, she basically never got mad, ever. Fourth month, throws a tantrum every week, or so

I told him the red flag at about the second month, and he broke up immediately after her third tantrum

She was also accused as having very weird relations with the teachers, if you know what I mean

She was also found once having sex with the whole baseball team with three other girls

Who knew wonder girl would actually be like this

Fourth, Tamiko, just an average girl, with god tier looks and body. I would've fallen for that too

Same story, good at first, bad after a few months. Except this one went bad first month

He got cheated on. You know I was furious about that one. Why did this precious boy get cheated on? I could not tell you

After that he stopped for a while, until recently. 6 months ago he found someone good, like really good

Nothing was bad about her, except for the occasional bad habit. That is so much better than all the other ones

They just fell apart in terms of communication and affection. The spark that was seen in the early stages, were gone

Believe me when I say, I did not tell him to break up with them because I liked Tanjiro, it was because I wanted to be a good friend

Even if I did like him, I wouldn't turn him away from a good girl.

"Hello... Kanao?" Tanjiro snapped me out of my trance "Oh right... sorry" I chuckled

"So how was your summer?" I looked at him dumbfounded "I texted you everything that happened" he laughed

"That was all of it?" I playfully slapped his shoulder "What? It's true, you sent like 20 messages which had less than 10 words, talking about your summer" he responed

I laughed, what a coincidence me and him are now in the same dorms.

School changed policy that girls and boys can now be in the same dorms. I think it's a bad idea, college students are horny, but I don't mind now that I'm staying with my BFF

"They gave us a big couch" I said, removing the silence "Yeah, last year's couches could barely fit one person" we laughed

"Did you test the water pressure for the shower?" I asked, last year's water pressure was complete trash

"It's still complete trash" I laughed "I saw a hack on YouTube to increase it" he pumped his hand

We laughed and watched a show on Netflix until evening

A/N: I really don't like this story, by the way. It's way too inappropriate and makes me both uncomfortable and cringe while re-reading it lmao. I actually wanted to delete this story after re-reading it lol.

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