Chapter 1

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"My life wasn't always like this it was better until the day we were in a accident. But things can benefit from pain and bad luck."

It was a cool Autumn morning Kobe woke up and slowly opened his eyes to the blinding light of the sun that shone through the openings of the blinds. As he got up quickly everything suddenly went black and slowly lit back up then Kobe stretched and put on his navy blue school uniform and a put on his school jacket over the top and went out to have breakfast and like every day the floor was cold as ice in the mornings so he went to the freezer and got out some microwave fish and cooked it "it's always feels good to eat something warm for breakfast on a cold day" Kobe said with his mouth full of fish. He grabbed his laptop and book folder and put it into his bag and walked outside to the driveway and waited for the bus to pick him up as he was waiting he started to sing a song to himself "don't you worry you live on, don't worry I get something for your head so just keep living on". The bus finally arrived and he got on and sat near his friend Nick. Nick was a tall boy who had short stiff hair and wore glasses "how are you feeling today Kobe"Nick asked politely "I have been doing ok Nick you and the others don't have to worry you guys have just got to keep smiling and I will too" Kobe answered "well okay I was just seeing if you were doing ok anyway we are just about at school.

As they arrived at school Kobe was in a joyful, hyped and hungry mood. He ran over to his other friends and jumped into them "hey guys what's been happening ", everyone looked at him confused thinking why he was so happy after the incident. Brayden Kobe's best friend walked over to him and had a good chat to him and wondered if he was fine. Kobe's says to everyone has an unbreakable spirit so he doesn't get offended at all and strong will he goes in head first and doesn't give up it's just who he is and he doesn't want to change that. The bell went and all the student's went to their first class so Kobe and his friends headed off to English. It isn't one of his strong suits but he tries his best and today they had to write a story with their own personal idea so Kobe got exited and prepared himself because he lives mostly in his dreams. "Alright class as you already know today we will be writing your own personal stories and whoever writes the most creative story will get a merit" Miss Burnet said, everyone look with excitement as they threw themselves on paper even the some of the school bullies were working on it. Kobe looked at his friends Brayden and Nick and saw that they were struggling to come up with some ideas so he whispered to them " hey guys I have some ideas for you to help you out for Brayden you could write a story of your way on how you mad it to being a high ranking officer in the army and Nic for you a story of your life as a great swordsman in Edo period Japan and what you had to do to protect people and remain your families honour", Brayden and Nick gave him a thumbs up and thanked him and got down to writing their stories. As Kobe was about to write down his story he started to cough "Kobe are you ok" Nick asked with worries "I'm fine it's just a cough" then Kobe felt something wet on his face so he wiped the side of his mouth and look at his arm but it wasn't just any liquid it was.... Blood.

As class ended Kobe rushed to the bathroom and washed his face and checked if he had a cut or if he lost a tooth but there was nothing wrong with his mouth he started to breathe heavily and was starting to panic "what is going on is there something wrong with me no there is nothing wrong and I need to get to class now" so he started to head up to Math. As he arrived Ms Mitton questioned him "Kobe why are you late to class!?" Kobe thought to himself ("well people need to go to the bathroom you know") so Kobe walked over to his seat and sat down alone as all math lessons are since miss spread out the desks and Nick was on the other side of the room so they could talk. The lesson began he looked down at his paper and started to scratch his head "how the hell are you supposed to do this oh boy if I ask miss she might get mad hmm should I risk it or should I ask for help hmmm" Halfway through the lesson, the bullies of the year group started to bug Him but just as always he ignored them and let them waste their time. Miss came around to collect the papers and came to collect Kobe's "I hope I've done it well enough suddenly he felt something coming from his throat and he ended up coughing again but this time a lot more blood came out then Nick knew there was something wrong with him but wouldn't say anything, he would just laugh and clean up the mess he made. When the class ended, Nick grabbed Brayden and went to see Kobe and make sure he was ok, so they ran all around the school to find him "hey have you found him Nick"Brayden asked "no not yet" Nick answered It took a while but they finally found him he was sitting on the ground they slowly approached him "hey Kobe are you doing ok..." Brayden called out but all he was doing was holding his neck and coughing blood and gasping for air "Kobe!" they both called out "NICK GET HELP AT THE OFFICE AND HURRY!" Nick returned with the school nurse "I can't tell whats wrong with him sorry but I have no choice but to call paramedics to take him to a hospital". The school nurse called paramedics and informed what was going on with him, so they sent in a medical helicopter to transport him. As the helicopter arrived, the paramedics put him on a stretcher and put him in the helicopter. Brayden was very worried for him "can I come along to company him please I beg you" Brayden asked "ok then get in" one of the paramedics said. "Brayden Hucker what gives you the right to go and run off" the vice principal walked out of the office yelling at Brayden. "Well I am one of Kobe's oldest friends I know what he is like so it's best if someone he knows goes with him" so the teachers had no choice but to let him go. as they were flying Brayden asked the paramedics "will... will Kobe be ok sir?" Brayden asked worryingly. The paramedics looked back at him and smiled "of course he will, he is in good hands" the paramedic said with a positive attitude. "We are almost at Sydney Hospital" the pilot spoke as they were pulling up to land then as they arrived Kobe suddenly stopped breathing "Oh no! Pilot, hurry up and land this thing he's stopped breathing". The pilot sped up and quickly landed. The paramedics quickly got the stretcher out and ran him in. Brayden who was right beside him though to himself "come on Kobe don't die please just live"

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