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Kiara felt a shudder crawl down her back the moment she heard Emre's deep timbre from the other side of the phone. She snuggled deeper into the pillows on her bed, pressing her phone closer to her ear as she bit her lips.

"Hi," she whispered back.

"You in bed already, zeytin gözlüm?" he asked lowly.

"Hmmm...I love it when you speak Turkish," she said lazily, her body relaxing even more under the warm comfort of her blanket. "Say something else..."

He chuckled on the other end of the phone, and she felt goosebumps prickle all over her arms.

"What do you want me to say?"

" can read me your grocery list, I don't know..," she mumbled, "'s not like I'll understand it anyways..."

"Şu anda sesin çok seksi geliyor." 

"Hmmm...I noticed that your voice goes down two notes but softens out. It's like a beautiful, melodic rumble...," Kiara hummed appreciatively as she forced herself to keep her sleep lidded eyes open

"You got all that from just that once sentence?"

"No, from earlier as well when you were speaking to your mum. What did you say?"

She heard him take a deep breath before saying, "...Don't forget to buy eggs and sugar for tomorrow."

"Hey, no did read me your grocery list," she giggled sleepily, followed by a loud yawn.

"You didn't answer me; you already in bed?" he repeated himself when she heard the faint sounds of cymbals clapping somewhere from far behind.

She hummed as she nodded, too sleepy to even realise that he couldn't see her movements. "You practicin' with the guys?" she asked offhandedly before squeezing her eyes shut, feeling mortified at sounding like a nosy girlfriend.

"Uhuh, they all say hi by the way," he mumbled.

"Well, tell them I say hi back," she laughed lightly but it ended it a yawn as she struggled to open her eyes.

"Sure. I...I'll see you tomorrow, Kiara...," he trailed, she could imagine him running his hand through his hair.

"I'll see you then too," she yawned, "sorry, I can't be on longer," she yawned again.

"No big. I just wanted to hear your voice. Go to sleep Kiara, beni hayal etmek," he whispered in her ear.

"Good night, Emre Ersoy...," Kiara trailed, putting her phone away before she drifted off to sleep.

Kiara heard the multiple slams of the lockers as she dug through her own, making sure she had all the right textbooks for class today. She could feel a presence next to her and she bit back a smile.

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