Playing with fire

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For Jimin the week had been hard. His friends popped in and chatted, inevitably they spoke about Jungkook, how he wasn't the same, how his temper was even scaring customers away, hinting about how someone(Jimin) could probably make him feel better.
Jimin always pretended he didn't hear this, but he did feel responsible.
By the end of the week he had had enough, "I'm not his keeper!!!" He finally yelled when 'poor Jungkook' was brought up again.
His friends looked at the normally quiet boy in astonishment, " Jimin we are sorry but can you not be realistic, he's your mate , you were together closely....are you going to ignore him until you need him for your heat again?"RM said.
"There you have it, you all assume I'm going to end up with him,I don't need a permanent someone, I will go with anyone, just like you all did before you met your mates!!!"he glared at them all.
"Jimin sweetie, we may have done but , as soon as we found our mates that stopped, Jungkook was your first and he's your mate, it's different."
"N-no it's not I can be with anyone, I'll show you all, I'll go to the club and find someone....tonight!!"
He stomped off glad that a customer had come in, he pasted a smile on his face and carried on working not noticing the anxious glances the others gave to each other.
Jungkook was ansty, he knew it would be something to do with Jimin as although not fully mated he seemed to be aware of Jimins moods. Today it felt like waiting for a bomb to go off.
RM walked back in jungkook knew he'd been in the coffee shop but didn't mention anything until he saw the anxious glances RM kept giving towards the coffee shop.
"Ok spit it out, what's up you and Jin had a row?" He asked his friend as he knew Jin was working there today.
" no not Jin." RM quietly said.
"I don't think I can tell you."
"Ok, don't then ."
"But I want to but probably shouldn't ."
" your making no sense at all."
"Fuck it,Jimins intent on picking up someone at the club tonight!" RM rushed out in one breath.
Jungkook felt his heart stutter, he felt betrayed, he couldn't believe what he was hearing,his heart hardening he spoke," And?"
"What do you mean And, he's your mate and he's going to try and get with someone."
"Well, he's obviously decided being a mate is too mundane for him, so what the hell, I've had it he can do what he wants!"
"Jungkook your lying to yourself just  as he is if you think you can deny yourselves, I'm worried he's too innocent, he's playing with fire going to the club, there's too many hungry alphas out there who won't treat him well we both know that."
"It's what he wants."Jungkook said dismissively  earning a frown and shake of the head from RM.

The music was loud, the club packed, Jimin walked in trying to put a brave front on. Walking to the bar he ordered a shot to relax himself, this turned into a second then third.Jimin found his happy place the alcohol lowering his defenses and making him walk to the dance floor and dance to the pulsating beat, his body in perfect tune to the beat, something that didn't escape the watching Alpha sitting at a table upstairs.Much as he'd tried to convince RM he wasn't bothered the ansty feeling wouldn't go away.
Jimin soon had a group of males dancing around and with him, his hazy alcohol induced smile making the males want to get closer .
Jungkook watched from above as two males started talking to Jimin leading him to the bar where sitting down they all knocked back shots. Jungkooks hands tightened on the table in front of him, he was suddenly distracted by a voice next to him,"seems like your'mate' isn't fussy about who he's with, little slut," jungkook turned seeing a smirking Lisa .
"Havent I warned you about talking about my mate,"he growled at her.
"Oh Kookie you could have had me but you fell for that slut looks like he's found others more to his taste ,"she smirked walking away.
Jungkook turned to the bar just in time to see Jimin dragged off by the two men towards the toilets.

"What are you doing?"Jimin was frightened the haze from the alcohol not completely taking away the feeling that something wasn't right.
"Baby we see what you want and we will give it you ,I'm going to fuck your beautiful ass while you suck my friends cock, " the man who spoke dragged Jimin into the cubicle and started undoing Jimins trousers."no,no leave me alone I don't want you,"
"Aw that's a shame but luckily for us we don't care what you want it's what we want that counts."
"No you can't my mate......"
"Mate? Your not marked.... Come on I can't wait,"
Jimin struggled crying, suddenly the cubicle door was ripped off its hinges and the two men were faced with a furious Jungkook.
"Kook your just greedy all the ones you've had, we don't mind sharing him, his ass looks like it could take us all." The male said pulling his cock out of his pants pumping it with one hand and grabbing Jimin with the other.
The two males realised the big mistake they had made when faced with the red eyed enraged male but tried to get away with it.
"He has no mark how we're we too know ," both men manouvered round out of the cubicle but holding onto Jimin who was shaking in fear.
One of the men had a spurt of courage," this little slut was asking for it,he doesn't care about you his so called mate!"
This enraged Jungkook who took a swipe at the male just as the male pushed Jimin forward so the other two could run off.
It was almost like seeing something in slow motion, Jungkook hit out Jimin was shoved in the way and Jungkooks heavy hand connected with Jimins head, the sheer frightened look as his hand connected on the boy embedded in Jungkooks brain.
Jimin lay on the floor unconscious ," Jimin, Jimin baby, I'm sorry so sorry." He picked the unconscious boy up tightly in his arms running through a side exit he ran towards a taxi keeping Jimin on his lap he directed him to Jimins address, carefully carrying the boy up the stairs he fished a door key out from the smaller males  pocket.
Once in ,he placed the boy gently on his bed Running to get a cool cloth from the bathroom he pressed it onto the already forming bruise on the boys cheek.
"I'm sorry Jimin, I never meant to hurt you it's like hurting myself, why, why did you go there, they could have hurt you so badly but instead I did,"
He rested his head on Jimins bed near the boy allowing his tears to run onto the sheets.
"I-I'm sorry Jungkook,I-I'm not a good omega am I?"
Jungkook lifted his head swiftly," JIMIN, baby I'm sorry, I hurt you , I didn't mean to,"
"Hush Jungkook I know you didn't......I was so saved me....I'm sorry,"he burst out crying, huge racking sobs that shook his whole body the fear he had felt finally having an outlet. Jungkook got on the bed laying with the small boy cuddling him close and patting his back.
"So scared,I was so scared."
"It's ok baby I've got you,"
"Stay with me Kookie please."
" I will baby I will" he rubbed the boys back soothing him. The smaller clinging onto him, his shaking body gradually calming, his sobs becoming less until just the sound of his breathing hit Jungkooks ears . He stayed next to the boy all night, there when he cried out in terror , calming him trying to make him feel safe, all the time worrying about what the morning would bring.

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