Day 8

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Hey diary,

I'm back, Anna. I'm leaving tomorrow and I go travel around the world. First I'm going to Europe, tho the Netherlands. I can even speak a little Dutch allready. "Hoi" means "Hello" and I can introduce myself in Dutch "Ik ben Anna, ik kom uit Engeland en ik spreek maar een klein beetje Nederlands." it means "I am Anna, I come from England and I only speek Dutch a little." cool isn't it. I can even speak a little German, French, Bahassa Indonesia and a little Spain and Italian. Goodday in German is "Guten tag" in Dutch "Goedendag" in French "Bonne journée" in Bahassa Indonesia "selemat" in Spain "Buen día" and in Italian "Buona giornata" it's so cool! But I have to go for dinner, it's my last time to hunt here. C U later aligator

Hey there,

I'm doing great, but I'll miss it here. This was my first fine house and the first family that loves me. I even have real friends who don't let you down as soon as possible. No, these family and friends are real and I'll keep contact them for sure. I just don't know when or how, but I will. I'm so happy and sad that I have to cry and smile now. It's like leaving someone and never see them again, it feels like they're dying and that's horrible. But I know they wil be fine and they love me so we'll never lose all contact. Even when you can't see or meet, they will always be in my heart and I'll never let them down. I hope they'll live a long and happily ever after. We even developed a contact meganism in our heads, we can now talk together with our toughts but this only works for immortal werewolfs like me and Jason so we can't have this sort of contact with our adopt parents. That's really sad, but I'm glad I can contact Jason whenever we need it.

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