~Sister Spotlight : Part 4~

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~On the back, The motorcycle follows behind them, without them knowing, The car drove through the street, an hour pass and they finally manage to enter a different area, they headed over to where the concert is taking place at, by the giant part of the city, there were so many people outside the parking lot, music was blasting and setups for balloons and merchandise all around, Tilla parks by and everyone saw the car, they hurry themselves over to her, excitedly and taking photos, Tilla exits out of the vehicle, as everyone yells in joy, Tilla blocks her sight from the flashing lights of the camera but kept her smile for everyone, Blitz got out too and runs up beside her.~

The people still took photos and some have papers to try and get her autograph, Tilla kept moving to the enterance as she got out a pen and signs each paper for the fans,

Blitzo : "Jeez, this is crazy."

Tilla: "Yeah, that's what happens when you're famous, you get tons of screaming fans gathered up to you, hehe."

But then, someone cane running towards them, a news reporter came to Tilla as a cameraman hurries up to her.

News Reporter : "We're here live at the concert, and I am now besides Hell's successful model, designer and also the main producer of the band "Girls n Shine" Tilla, who just arrived to the scene!"

She turns her attention to Tilla, aiming the microphone to her.

News Reporter : "Mrs. Tilla, is there anything you want to tell us about tonight's concert, the announcements say it's gonna be huge, and everyone are looking forward to it, so what are you thought?"

Tilla : "Oh, Well yes, it is planned to be much more than the last few, since we're now sending albums and merches all over, we feel that if we want to make the audience excited, we always do whatever we could to surprise them as promised."

News Reporter : "Well I know You'll do a fantastic job for tonight, good luck for the performance!"

Blitzo stays behind and follows her as she walks away, leaving the news reporter to still talk to the camera, they both made it to the gateway of the building.

Meanwhile outside in the parking lot where everyone are so there, a motorcycle pulled up to the side and stops as two of the Imps who were driving, and were the ones that followed Tilla and Blitzo, jumps off from it, they took off their helmets and revealing their faces, one of them fixes up his hat.

??? : "Alright, this is where the Boss's wife and her brother is, all we need to do is the find that guy inside, and then do the job done."

??? : "Oh well you see Pim, Normally I like to get the job done, but I feel kinda hungry, can we get some donuts over there please?"

Pim : "Focus Dom! We can't disobey the boss here, now let's go."

They ran out of the parking lot to get inside.

Tilla and Blitz open the doors, Inside of the building was a giant dance floor, seats in the back, and also a stage where the performance is going to be taking place at, Blitzo looks around, seeing how big the inside was, with him distracted however, he accidentally bumps into one of the demons, the demon looks to him, hisses at him

Demon 1# : "Watch where you're going scumbag!"

Blitzo continues walking, annoyed by that, they both head over to the backstage door where one of the producers exited out of the door, saw Tilla in front of her.

Producer Imp : "Oh Tilla! You just arrived on time! Come inside!"

She drags her inside, Blitzo goes inside too, but the producer pushes him out.

~Helluva Boss : Sister Spotlight~Where stories live. Discover now