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"who's there?"

the person called down the hall, spinning around once they sensed a presence behind them. no one was in sight. why would there be? they were in their own house. after only receiving silence for a couple moments, they shrugged it off and continued walking until they reached the living room. they instantly halted again and whizzed around, glancing around with tentative eyes as uncomfortable chills went down their spine.

"i-i won't ask again, who's there?"

yet again, they heard nothing. gulping, they hesitantly went to step forwards before a hand clamped over their mouth and an arm wrapped around their shoulders, holding a glinting object that they couldn't see. the next thing they heard was a husky voice whispering in their ear, "boo."

their eyes shot open wide and they thrashed their body to escape the strong grip, although failing miserably. from that second, everything went black. everything went numb. everything went quiet. everything was gone.

"shhh, easy does it." the male whispered with a smug smirk into the ear of the victim that was slowly loosing consciousness, body leaned back on the broader one behind them as muffled whimpers left their covered mouth. soon their body fell completely limp and was dropped to the ground after the blade was withdrawn from their abdomen, a dark chuckle filling the otherwise silent room. kneeling down and peering at the victim's face, the blond brushed their hair out of the way and stared at their cheek— a blank canvas for him to create art on as he twirled his bloody knife in his hand.

"i apologise, this might hurt. oh wait, nevermind, you're dead!" he watched with a sickly smile on his face as he pressed the tip of the blade to the skin and watched it sink in, more droplets of blood forming around it. slowly and precisely, he carved a word into their porcelain cheek, taking his time to make it as perfect as possible before pulling back to admire his art work. with a smirk he stood up, wiping the knife off and putting it in his pocket along with his gloves, picking up his bag and items before exiting the building without a trace and only one hint behind for police to find.



a warm summer breeze rushed past the twenty two year old as he strode down the street. it was half past ten pm on a thursday and minho had just finished teaching his dance classes for the day— to say he was tired was an understatement. there weren't many people around at this time except strange teenagers, heartbroken souls and maybe a drug dealer or two, so minho wasn't expecting to bump into anyone as he made his way home.

he turned the corner to the usual side street he walked home down through the partially wealthy part of the city, only to see the road was closed off. he sighed, rubbing his eyes from tiredom. he didn't live in this street, he was only a dance teacher and didn't get payed enough to afford half the bills there, he just liked walking that way because it felt safer than other rougher areas of the city. so, with no other option, he turned on his heel and returned half of the way he came, approaching a darker side street than before.

streetlights flickered and the air turned chilling as he passed through. considering the two streets were so different, it's difficult to believe they were so close together, but that's what minho dealt with when he worked in a dance studio situated in between the two different economical environments.

there was a specific feel from this street that minho wasnt very fond of— it felt off. like something was there and waiting, or something bad was going to happen. minho was someone who was scared easily and was very jumpy, but he'd been in multiple haunted houses, been to scary events and seen scary movies due to his best friend being into things like that and asking minho to go with him, but he'd learnt to deal with it due to it being his best friend and he knew they were fake.

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