Jolie's talent

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It was three months till the end of level 3 and she hadn't manifested. She knew she had to soon or she'd not be able to attend any elite levels or do anything , really.

Well, no offense to Uncle Kesler.

Jolie was pretty sure she'd end up as Mesmer. She didn't really want to, it was too creepy.

No offense to her dad either. 

They were trying Conjurers that day. I doubt I'll get that, Jolie thought dully. She hadn't gotten any other talents. 

Might as well be talentless

The instructor clapped her hands (whats her name)

"Prodigies! Hold your hand out and twist it like this."

She held out her palm and turned it swiftly.

The other prodigies held out their hands and tried the motion. Jolie kept  turning it backwards, but she got the hang of it.

"Now think of a Prattles box. I have hidden them around the room."

Jolie tried to imagine the sweet, creamy, chewy candy. It's caramel filled goodness...

Pop!  Something popped out of her hand. She stared at it in amazement. "A prattles box!" she cheered.

The instructor came over. Jolie showed her the prattles box and she smiled. "Good."

Jolie was about to run out when she remembered something. "Can I eat it?"

The instructor almost smiled. "Yes, you may."

Jolie skipped out the door and twirled. She opened her prattles box and chewed the caramel candy, savoring the marshmallow taste.

The pin was a teal and green kelpie with swirls and designs carved into it. It had a gorgeous mane and tail of silky dark blue locks. 

At Lunch, she went to go find Brant. When she got to their table with their friends Melina and Sorl, Brant asked her what was up.

"I manifested!, Branty! " She exclaimed.

"Cool! What talent!" He cheered.

Jolie held out her hand and twisted it. Brants custard burst apperead in it. She threw in her mouth and grinned at him.

"Hey!" Brant yelped, though his dark eyes were playful.

"Nice! Now your 2nd!" Sorl said. A few weeks before, he had manifested as a froster like Aunt Juline.

"Great ability!" Melina congratulated.

Jolie's smile widened. She couldn't wait to tell her parents.

After School

"Mom! Dad!" Jolie yelled.

"Yes sweetie?" Edaline asked.

"I manifested! As a conjurer! Like you!"

"Wow! Let's tell your dad!" edaline exclaimed. "I'll bake mallowmelt to celebrate."

Grady was more surprised than Edaline and he jumped up and gave her a hug/.

The mallowmelt was amazing, gooey and creamy like always.

Jolie's smile grew wider and happines flew through her.

She wasn't  talentless.


Hi guys! This chapter was sooo fun to write! Should I do the elite levels, or her fal

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