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"Shit! Fuck! SHIT-FUCK!!!" I screamed and shouted utter nonsense as I ran. I wasn't scared, no, I was TERRIFIED!

I took a sharp turn when I spotted my house. I fell over because of how sharp it was.

I scrambled to my feet and dashed for the door, jamming my key into the doorknob and turning it. I softy opened the door and quietly, but quickly, got inside. I softly closed the door and relocked the door. I sighed in relief. Maybe she won't notice I was late, I thought to myself.

I heard someone loudly clear their throat from behind me. Scratch that. I nervously turned around to see my roommate, Fusible, tiredly glaring at me with her arms crossed. Her glare vanished when she saw me. "Oh my god," she mumbled while rushing to me.

She inspected the many wounds that decorated my face and arms. I smiled, "Wanna help me patch up, Fuse?" The question came out squeaky from my bruised chest. She nodded. Fuse quickly dragged me to her room and sat me on her bed. She quickly grabbed the first-aid kit from under her high bed and opened it, taking out the things she needed.

You're probably wondering "what the absolute fuck is happening?" So, I'll level with ya. I'm (Y/n), just another girl livin' life... mostly. I can be friendly, but give me one good reason to kill you and I won't hesitate to do so on the spot. I taught myself how to kill and be unsuspected. Sometimes I do it just to blow off some steam. Fusible is a good friend of mine - and yes, that is her legal name. She can handle a knife pretty well. I've known her sense.......... forever and she's like a little sister to me.

Her hair is long and wavey and is black with yellow highlights at the end and she always has it up in two buns that extend into pigtails in the middle. Fuse always wears her fake leather jacket with zip-up pockets and two fake pockets on the chest part and her black plank boots. She only has one eye, her right eye, (remember, her right is your left) and the other is covered in bandages. Speaking of bandages, Fuse is normally covered in them. Don't be fooled by the ones on her forearms, hands, and calves, those are sports tape... I think. She also has pale skin, a yellow eye, and a slight French accent.

I yelped in pain when I felt a needle pierce my skin. I hadn't noticed that Fuse took my shirt off and was working at my back. "Sorry (Y/n)! Are you ok?" Fuse worriedly asked.

I lightly smiled, "You can never hurt me, Fusey." She huffed and started speeding up her pace so it would hurt worse. "FUSE! OW!"

She slowed down, "That's what I thought..." I heard Fuse snap the string and felt her tighten it. She poked one of the big pieces of green-colored glass stuck in my back. I took a sharp breath in pain, a man that hurt like a bitch.

Fuse got up, I think to get some other stuff. I sighed and put my head in my hands. Yep, just me and Fuse. "Just me," I took a deep breath, "and Fuse" I exhaled slowly when the words left my mouth. Fuse came back with a pitiful look on her face and a rag with some chemicals.

She sat back down behind me and cleaned the area around the glass, "Shouldn't you have done that to my wounds you stitched?" I asked.

Fuse chuckled nervously, "Maybe..." She continued to clean my various cuts and scrapes. She placed her hand back on the glass. "I'm gonna pull it out, ok?"

I bit my lip. Oh boy, "Yep, go ahead Fussy."

Fuse gently started tugging one of the smaller pieces of glass and I tensed up a lot. My fists gripped imaginary objects in hopes of distracting myself from the pain. When Fuse finally got it out she quickly patched it up with stitches and chemicals to clean the wound. (I am 100% guessing right now)

After about an hour of taking care of me, Fuse finally asked what happened. "Crazy drunk bitch, sayin' I stole her man..."

Fuse shook her head, "Damned drunks... I swear," she sighed, "at least we don't get like that when we're drunk."

I laughed, "Yeah..." Fuse gets like that when she's drunk. "Well, I'm gonna go to bed, night Fuse!" I walked out of her room and headed for mine.

"Be mindful of your wounds!" Fuse shouted back at me.

I chuckled, "All right!" I opened the door to my room and immediately flopped on my bed, ignoring the stinging in my chest from the bruises. "I'm so god damn tired..."

I fell asleep, unaware of when awaited me in my wake.

Word count: 809

It's 1:30 Am...

Hope you liked the first chapter!

Chapter question: What's your favorite Friday Night Funkin' week? What's your favorite track in that week?

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