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Quick A/N

(spoilers for amphibia s2 ep20)
(gonna add a cover soon bear with me)

hello hello and welcome

uh i dont really have too much to say. this was inspired by this one twitter post talking abt late night talks on the beach. also inspired by a headcanon of mine that anne, marcy, and sasha's families would "camp" on the beach every once in a while.

just a few more things. some minor(?) content warnings for referenced character death (marcy getting stabbed in true colors), drowning, and dereality (please let me know if i need any other cws !!). also quick note that i use he/they pronouns for marcy bc i said so.

anyways, enjoy !!

Marcy pushed himself up from the ground, spitting sand out from his mouth. Their face and limbs burned from when he face planted into the beach just seconds ago. They groaned, brushing off some sand as they looked up in the direction of the voice.


Her laughter filled the air. Marcy grasped the hand hovering out in front of him, allowing themself to be pulled up. "'Course it's me, Marbles! Who else would it be?"

They had no time to formulate a response before Anne dragged Marcy across the shore, laughing without a care in the world. Once they stopped, Anne plopped down and sat in the sand, Marcy following suit.

It was only now that he could take in their surroundings. It was late evening; the sun barely hung over the horizon, and the sea was calm. Small waves washed over the sand a few feet ahead of them, and the sea glittered from the reflected sunlight. The sky was just beginning to darken. The oranges and blues and purples blended together with the clouds, and the stars were just beginning to peek through the light.

Marcy took a deep breath, the salty sea air filling his lungs. They remembered this place. Him, Anne, Sasha, and all their families would drive out every other year and camp out for the weekend. Well, less camping, and more like sleeping on the beach in a tent. They were hit with a huge wave of nostalgia, leaving a lasting feeling in their chest.

He... missed this, laying back and just relaxing. They felt so tired. He couldn't remember the last time they felt so at peace.

"Hey, Mars?"

They looked up at Anne, their trance broken. She looked back at him with a quirked brow and a small grin. "You doin' alright?" she asked.

"Y-yeah..." Marcy said, looking down to fiddle with his hands. "It's just..." they hummed, "it feels nice. Being here."

Anne hummed. "Yeah, it feels like forever since we've done anything like this," she pondered, echoing Marcy's own thoughts. "Just, sit down, watch the sunset, and relax. It almost feels wrong."

Marcy chuckled softly, messing around with the sand as they thought, grabbing it and letting it fall through his fingers. She was... right. Something felt... almost off about how they were lazing together on the shore. As if they had better things to do, like they weren't allowed. But, why wouldn't they-

"I did it for us."

Something surfaced from the back of Marcy's mind. For a split second, the warm humid air turned cold. His clothes became heavy, and a looming feeling of shame overtook them. Marcy's throat closed up, and their breaths turned labored and forced.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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