Chapter 38

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Third person pov......

The next day,

Chaeryeong's condition has returned to normal. Ryujin called her yesterday who was able to ease her mood.

She woke up at noon because she woke up last night talking to her girlfriend.

She is sad because she has not been able to be with the one she loves. She feels angry with herself because she agreed to Ryujin's coach's offer.

She left her room without even combing her hair. She went down and went straight to the kitchen.

She saw something covered on the table.

She lifted the lid and just smiled.

There are pancakes with chocolate syrup to be found there. On its side is a sticky note.

'Chaery siopao ~ Morning or afternoon too you, I don't know what time you will wake up but the important thing is that you slept well.
I left your food, eat that okay ?, don't worry about your dance lesson now, I'll take care of the kids first. Have a nice day..... love yah '

Chaeryeong chuckled when she finished reading her sister Chaeyeon's letter.

She put it on the refrigerator and sat down to eat. After she ate she took a bath and put on casual clothes.

She wanted to have a nice day today so she decided to go to the park.

Before going there, she first went to the cafe of her unnies who were surprised by them.

"Oh- Chaeryeong? You're off today?" Lia asked as Chaeryeong entered the door.

"No unnie, I actually woke up at noon today, but unnie said she would take care of my students" Chaeryeong replied and went straight to the counter.

"Well, somehow you can rest"

"Yes unnie. Uhm Yeji unnie ......"

"One iced americano?"


After Chaeryeong ordered, she said goodbye to her unnies. and proceeded to walk into the park.

When she arrived at the park, she took a walk here and breathed in the fresh air.

"I miss walking here" she mumbled and continued walking.

As she walked, she saw a child trying to reach for a flower from a high branch.

She approached it and gave the flower to the child.

"Thank you unnie" It thanked to her and smiled before running closer to her parents.

Then she looked at the flowers around the park.

She loves flowers so she is happy with them. She picked a flower and inhaled its fragrant smell.

Later on, suddenly rang her phone. She immediately took it from her pocket and answered it.


"Why Lia unnie?"

"Where are you Chaer?"

"I'm here at my favorite park. Why?"

"Nothing, I'm just asking. Maybe you haven't had lunch yet"

"I'm still full unnie, and I'll go home later. I want to be able to relax first"

"Okay, take your time Chaer"

"Thanks unnie, bye"

"Bye ~"


She put down her phone and hid it again in her pocket.

Meanwhile at Lia and Yeji's Cafe.....

"What unnie? Where is Chaeryeong?"

"She's in her favorite park, just relaxing"

"Can I go there and surprise her?"

"Ryujin, it's better if you're just there at her house to prepare a surprise"

"But I want to see her, after 3 freaking months!"

"Ryujin, your language"

"Sorry unnie"

Lia took a deep breath and suddenly a good idea entered her mind.

"I have a idea!" she blurted out.

"What's that unnie?" Ryujin wondered.

"What if you prepare a date for her? then it's up to me to send her there " she said and gave a cheeky smile.

"That's a good idea unnie, but where can I set a date?"

"I know where...." Lia said and smirked.

(Time skip)

"I'll fetch Chaeryeong. Is everything ready Ryujin?" Lia asked Ryujin on the other line.

Ryujin is in the place where ahe will surprise her beloved. Everything is Ready. Chaeryeong is the only one missing.

While Lia drove to Park where Chaeryeong was.

She searched for it until she found it talking to a child.

She smiled and approached them.

"Chaeryeong-Ah....." she softly called to the younger.

Chaeryeong raised her head and saw her Lia unnie.

"L-Lia unnie? Why are you here?" its just astonishment.

"I'm here to pick you up, someone wants to talk to you" replied Lia.


"Don't ask too many questions. Say goodbye to the child, stand there and come on"

Chaeryeong is still full of wonder at the actions of her unnie Lia.

Chaeryeong said goodbye to the boy she met.

While in the car, Chaeryeong frowned because of what happened earlier.

"Why is your face like that Chaeryeong? smiled there" Lia teased her.

"How can I not be annoyed, I talked to the boy and then all of a sudden you sent me away from there" complained Chaeryeong who was just amused by Lia.

"Chaer.... I know you're happy to see a child, but I'm pretty sure you'll be happier with what I'm going to show you today"

"Huh? What's that?" astonishment of the redhead.

"Don't ask too many questions, we're close"

A moment later the car stopped in front of a garden. It's not just a garden, it's an expensive and beautiful place to have a good date.

"Unnie..... why are we here?" Chaeryeong asked when she got out of the car.

"Many questions, Come, she's been waiting for you for a while" Lia said, she immediately pulled her inside.

When they entered, Lia left Chaeryeong inside, the redhead was surprised.

"What's really going on?" She asked and took a walk.

She took a walk next to the beautiful flowers and she was surprised when the light of a table suddenly came on.

She approached it and picked up the flower that lay on it.

She smelled it and realized that it  her favorite flower.

"Who gave it?" She asked as she continued to inhale the smell of the flower.

Suddenly, someone stood behind her with another gift .

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