Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Diabolos.


A smile played her lips as she opened her eyes. The posters scattering over her ceiling greeting her with all her favourite singers, actors and bands. Her radio came on playing Ed Dunken: Living for you. She smiled as she hummed along with the chorus tugging the hairbrush through her matted blonde hair. “I'll be living for you, breathing for you 'cause it's only you...” She sung trailing off into a hum as it went into the next verse. Shoving her books in her bag she walked out of the room living the radio on blasting out music. She pulled on her long red coat that hugged her thin frame, she had her hair in a high ponytail as she locked the door and turned for the walk to school.

The broken piece of amulet hung on a thick silver chain around her neck, bashing against her warm skin with its ice cold metal. She grabbed the amulet to try stopping it's painful hits to her chest but her hands burnt as she touched it. What the hell? She said to herself dropping the amulet onto her coat but the cold metal still seemed to burn cold at her chest. The sky started darkening and she stopped dead in her tracks, she felt a shiver run down her spine as she felt my presence for the first time. I took a cautious step closer, debating whether I should show myself or not. 'You mustn’t not yet, it's not time. We must be careful, careful by darling princess.' His voice rang in my ears filling me with guilt, he is right, the time is not right. Not yet.

“W-Who's there?” Chloe stuttered in a fearful voice. Fear, that's what I love. Pulling back I continued to watch as she whipped around searching with wide eyes for me, for anything. The sun began to beat down on her again and the amulet around her neck was suddenly light and warm, it was like none of that even happened. Picking up her pace she started to speed towards school.

So lost in her own little world she smashed into a boy around the same age as her. She fell to the floor from the impact her bag flying open sending her books scattering across the wet concrete. She cursed loudly as her books began to soak up the rain water left on the floor from the night before. She glared up at the boy angrily as she pulled herself to her feet before turning and picking up the books from the floor with a heavy sigh.

A hand brushed against hers as she reached to pick up the last book, she looked up and was met with his warm brown eyes. His brown hair short and combed back neatly made his high cheekbones and smooth lips stand out perfectly. She felt a shiver run down her spine for the second time that morning but this one was a shiver of love, a shiver of happiness. He was perfect. His white vest top hugged tight to his toned chest, his lips lifted into a smile.

“Sorry 'bout that beautiful, my dog pulled me straight into you.” He smiled flirtatiously at her scanning his eyes over her as he spoke in a strong American accent. She frowned looking around, her skin reflecting the sun in a light glow. His playful smirk dropped at her frown and he looked as if he'd been punched in the face by her. She stepped closer dropping her bag to the floor as he swept her off her feet into his arms.

“Who are you?” She asked, deep down she thought she already knew what it was, already met him in some distant past. She remembers him vaguely but just can't seem to put her finger on who exactly it was.

“Diabolos, I was just on my way to my new school. I’ve just moved up here from Hollywood for a little while with my mum, what's your name.” His voice was soft and light to Chloe's ears. He gave her an award winning smile and she sighed and started walking gesturing for him to follow her.

“School's this way, keep up we're late as it is thanks to you.” She said ignoring his question completely, she put up a wall and shook the thoughts of even having a chance with him. Once she got to school she knew he would be snatched up by all the other girls. She could hear his heavy steps behind her and she gave a mental sigh. Thanks to her little follower she's going to have another detention for being late for Maths.

They arrived at school minutes later, she led him straight to the office. She looked at him one last time scanning her dull grey eyes over his body until they met his eyes. His warm brown eyes circled by a thin black rim that had formed as he looked at her body. She was mostly covered in what she was wearing, the tight red coat hugging her upper body tightly, the coat alone covered her to her upper thighs and with the tight black school trousers and stylish black boats she wore the only skin he could see was her face. So warm, her dull grey eyes held sadness and pain of what was going on in her life yet I could see the hint of want in them, the want for him. She was just about to leave when the girl on shift as watching the main office came up to the desk calling her back.

“Ah, miss Hope, could you help me by showing this young boy the way to his first lesson.” She chirped putting his homework diary, lunch code and timetable into her hands. Chloe frowned back at miss hoping she would notice that she didn't want to go. The woman did her deep brown eyebrow raised.

“But Mrs Black-” She was cut of when Mrs Black raised her finger to silence the girl. Chloe groaned, she was so dead. Not only was her teacher going to be angry at the lateness of her arrival but also her best friend Isla would be to. Isla always wanted to know exactly the reason for everything, she was just that type of girl, she was over protective.


Her eyes plastered on the classroom door, she knew something was wrong. She could feel in her gut. She looked over to Isla, her eyes to stuck to the door. Isla was however worried her best friend will get detention, yet she wasn't watching for that. She was watching for him, she was waiting for her sister to walk through the door with him. Her heart ached as she remembered how her sister spoke to her the last time they had spoken, she was nothing but trash to the oh so great Chloe. She knew Katie didn't remember her, but she also knew she could barely remember her own past life. Her past life was as broken as the dream she had. She knew deep down they weren’t just dreams, they seemed so real. She wasn't going to give up. She knew.

“Are you ok Kumi?” The teacher said quietly crouching down beside the desk. Her eyes scanned over Miss Bright, her kind green eyes glowing, a small smile playing her smooth lips.

“Yes miss, it's just that I didn't sleep very well last night.” Kumiko replied truthfully, her greasy brown hair hung knotted over her face, her rosy cheeks glowed with heat as she spoke. Her violet eyes tired and sad. the teacher looked at the boys at the boy sitting talking loudly laughing and shouting offensive comments to her across the room. Shivers ran down her spine as she remembered the words her sister bit at her.

“You're not my sister, you're a tramp!” The words echoed in her head drowning her with sorrow. She clutched the amulet around her neck letting the cold metal bite her warm skin, soaking up the pain it cause. She knew she deserved it, she knew Chloe would never believe she was really Katie.

“Would you like to go to the bathroom? I'll sort this out.” The teacher said sending her a perfect time-to-get-revenge smile. Her soft laugh made Kumiko smile then she stood up and left the room. She heard voices down the hall and silently crept closer to hear what the voices where saying. She could tell it was a girl and boy, she noticed the voice. She gasped as Chloe came strutting past her almost knocking her the the floor. She was caught quickly by warm hands and she met his warm eyes. Chloe walked into the class leaving her standing in the empty corridor with the boy. Concern filled his eyes, hinted with recognition.

“Are you ok?” He asked her, suddenly realising he was still holding her softly he dropped his hands to his sides, his toned chest was visible through the tight vest he wore, his shirt unbuttoned along with his red and black tie undone, he wore tight jeans to match his perfectly styled hair.

“Eh, Diabolos don't talk to that freak and come into class. You're already half hour late.” Chloe called, her silky blonde air shone in the sunlight. Diabolos sent one more side glance to Kumiko before turning and following Chloe into class.

“Diabolos, a devil's name.” She whispered to herself wide eyed.  

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