Falling for a Mudblood |Dramione|

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TITLE: Falling for a Mudblood |Dramione|

STATUS: Completed

AUTHOR: _LibraChild_

DESCRIPTION: Winner of: The Car Awards

The Chaos Awards (1st prize)The Hidden Gems Awards (1st prize)The Red Rose Awards (1st prize)The Magical Awards (1st prize)The Athena Awards (2nd prize)The Proximity Awards (2nd prize)Diamond Star Awards (3rd Prize)The Talent Awards (3rd prize)The Sunset Awards (3rd prize)The Poe's Awards (5th prize)The Colouring Awards (Honourable mentions)The Sunset Awards (best cover in fan fiction)(^_^)"Enjoying the view, Granger?" He asked as a smirk formed on his face. This brought Hermione back from admiring-Malfoy mode. It took less than a moment for the quick-wit Granger to show up."Don't flatter yourself Malfoy. I would rather gaze into an Orb than to look at you." She stated in a matter-of-fact tone.As she was about to turn away, she heard Draco muttering "Filthy mudblood." Instead of walking away from him, as always, she stepped towards him, lifted her heels, brought her lips closed to his ear and whispered,"You wish you knew how filthy I really am.."••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Disclaimer: All characters rightfully belong to the amazing JK Rowling.After the war all the students were called to complete their last year, seventh year, but none knew that this year would turn Hermione's and Draco's life upside down. They both developed a feeling for each other, other than hate.But there's a twist. They are the worst people on planet to really admit their feelings.How will they be together? How will they admit their love to one another?Read to find out!


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