Chapter 3-A Stealthy Return

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Iwaizumi's P.O.V.

"Where the hell is that idiot!?" I shout, slamming my fist into the wall. The photos on the mantel above the fireplace shook with the impact.

"Chill out man, I'm sure he just got ahead of himself again, it's not like this the first time he's come back late," Matsukawa replied, sharpening his blade.

"Yeah, but this is the first time he's been more than 2 hours late!" I shout. As much as I don't want to admit it, I'm extremely worried about him.

"I'm sure he's fine..." Matsukawa said, a slight uneasiness to his voice. Almost like he wasn't sure himself. Which made me feel so much better.

"Fuck it! I'm going out to look for him!" I say. I don't wait for a response as I gather my gear as quickly as possible and walk into the woods.

Oikawa's P.O.V.

The sunlight poured into my eyes as I awoke from my dream. I reach up to rub my eyes to find that my hands are back to normal.

'Maybe it was just a dream...' I smile in relief as my senses come back to me to see that I am still in that dingy little shack.

"Well shit!" I curse. "This is great, how am I ever gonna tell the others about this," I mutter.

I take a really good look at my hands again to notice that they really were back to normal. Which means that I must not be a permanent. I can still hunt with the group, just not at night.

That's ok, I'll just stay here every night and mask it as hunting. Iwa-chan is always saying how I work too much anyways. Might as well let him feel right for a change.

I chuckle to myself at the thought of Iwa-chan getting mad over me always saying he wrong. My face slowly falls afterwards.

"This is a mess, if he finds out I'm a mutt he's going to kill me off for sure," I say quietly.

I shake my head of these thoughts before any tears come and I remember that I said I would be back by daybreak! It's already four hours after daybreak too which means...

Iwa-chan is probably looking for me!!!

Dammit! I can't let him see me with barely any clothes on and a huge gash in my chest. That would raise more than enough suspicion.

Ok, calm down Tooru, if he's out now this means that you just have to sneak into the hunting shack without anyone else there seeing you. Mostly everyone is out collecting supplies around this time. Matsukawa and Hanamaki are the only ones that should be there, guarding the place. If I can just make it through the back door quietly, I can lock myself in the bathroom, dress these wounds, then dress myself! Ba-da-Boom!

No one has to know.

I raise from the disgusting sheets and make my way to the door. I notice that I'm only in my trousers that are mostly ripped. No boots, no jacket, no nothing!

This is going to make being quiet out there a little tricky but as long as I don't run into any hunters I should be fine.

The fresh morning air is brisk and light on my face. It's really refreshing after the terrible night I had. I'm glad that the den I needed to go to was the closest to the shack because walking barefoot on all of this mud and rock is really not doing it for me.

I start to come upon the shack and I'm able to sneak in around the back. I open the door as quietly as I can, relieved to find it unlocked.

Ok, so far so good, I just need to get down the hall and to the right, there I will find a bathroom. If I just shower and dress my wounds, no one will question the lack of clothes!

Easy Peasy!

My steps are light and only the tiniest creak of the floorboards are heard. I sneak into the bathroom and breathe out a sigh of relief.

I'm finally home after the worst 24 hours. Not even!

Whatever, I need to get in the shower.

After the excruciating pain that was letting the hot water seep into my wound, I managed to make it out fresh and clean. I quickly wrapped up my torso and took a towel around it to hide the bandages.

I quickly escape out of the bathroom and into my bedroom to change.

Once that was finished I went out into the sitting room to find Matsukawa sharpening everyone's weapons. The edge of the blade made me feel so on edge.

"Oh, Oikawa you're back! I didn't see you come in," he said, barely raising his gaze from the knife.

"Oh yeah, I came in through the back because I needed to put my boots out there, they got completely trashed with mud.

"I gotcha, well Iwaizumi just went out looking for you so you should call him real quick so that he's not out there all day wondering where you are," he says.

"Aye Aye Captain!" I salute. He rolls his eyes at me and I depart, finally feeling safe after being in a room that wasn't full of freshly sharpened knives.

I reach for my pocket to find that my phone isn't there. I curse under my breath and just pray that it's still in my pant pocket from last night. When I check I feel a wave of relief when I feel the rectangular object.

It sustained a few cracks but still works. I call Iwa-chan and wait as the phone rings.

"SHITTY-KAWA WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!? I'VE BEEN OUT LOOKING FOR YOU FOR AN HOUR!!!!" He shouts. I need to pull the phone away from my ear so that I don't go deaf.

"Chill out Iwa-chan, you keep talking like that and you're going to make me think you were worried about me," I coo.

"Of course I was fucking worried about you!!! Do you have any idea what I would've done if something had happened to you???" he shouts. My face falls immediately at that.

That wasn't what I was expecting.

"Hey hey, I'm fine, I just got a little caught up in something and lost track of time. I'm back at the hideout now," I say quietly, trying to console him in whatever way I could.

I hear a long sigh from the other end of the phone. "Alright you asshole, you're getting a ball to the face for making me worry, I'm on my way back," he says before the call ends.

I sigh and fall onto my bed.

This is going to be a rough few days.


I LIVE!!!!!!! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. Motivation sucks and school started and blah blah blah excuses excuses. This story is going to pick up soon! I'm sure some of you also know that I have been posting on tiktok as well so there is that. So please thank you for being patient!

Love y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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