Chapter 21

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Betrayal In Its Most Simplest Form

Chapter 21

"Objection!" Liam called out firmly. "As we were informed specifically my defendant's court summons, one charge has been charged against her. According to policy and law, the defendant has the right to be informed of why she is being charged. No new charges can be brought up against the defendant in the same trial."

Rin ran a hand through her hair and spoke more fluently, "Objection, Your Honor. We are not pressing any charges for the new case we have brought up. This is strictly used for evidence to prove the defendant is guilty as charged with abuse. We the prosecutors are not pressing for penalties toward illegal immigrants. As our right, we are allowed to provide as much valid evidence we can to prove the defendant guilty."

The judge kept a straight face. "The objection of the defendant's is overruled. The evidence the prosecutors shall bring up will be held against the defendant as the present charge. Any future charges will be noted for another case."

Ibuki cursed under her breath.

Rin smirked and continued her case. She stood confidently with her fiery hair tossed to one side of her shoulder. "The defendant, Kuroko Ibuki, is, as of right now, an illegal immigrant in Japan. Ah, my mistake, should I call the defendant . . . Sevaine Ibakmi?"

The teal-haired woman's eyes widened so wide, Aomine thought her eyeballs were going to pop out. Her muscles tensed, and she clenched her fists abruptly under the table. Akashi seemed satisfied by her reaction.

"The way the English people say it," Rin continued. "The defendant's first name is Ibakmi; the family name is Sevaine. Ibakmi Sevaine. The defendant has three identities in Japan: Kuroko Ibuki, Suzuki Akihiko, and Abe Miku. Your Honor, I'd like to have this recorded: If you put the defendant's first names in the order I previously stated, take the first two letters, you will receive the name: Ibakmi."

The judge asked the court reporter to state Rin's lines, again. She pushed up her glasses and looked at the dialogue she has been typing on her typewriter: "The prosecution attorney said: 'The defendant has three identities in Japan: Kuroko Ibuki, Suzuki Akihiko, and Abe Miku. English spelling: I-B-U-K-I; A-K-I-H-I-K-O; M-I-K-U."

One of the recorders of the trial nodded to confirm Rin's statement to be true. It did spell out Ibakmi.

"I'd like this to be admitted as evidence, Your Honor."

"Does the defendant have any objections?"

"We do not, Your Honor." To be honest, Liam was completely confused. He hadn't been informed of this.

"The statements shall be admitted into evidence."

"I'd also like to submit these surface records of each identity I have mentioned. Abe Miku, Kuroko Ibuki, and Suzuki Akihiko, as stated in their personal files, all own the same three businesses. All three of the defendant's identities seem to be known for the same title."

The judge quickly skimmed through the records. "The exhibits will be admitted through evidence."

Rin flexed her hands. She was on a roll, and it felt good to have everything go her way. "The prosecution calls a worker of the Rasa Corps."

The bailiff brought a young, nervous man to the witness stand. The red-head started questioning as soon as the clerk got his information. "Where do you work?"

"Rasa Corps, down south in the first branch."

"What is Rasa Corps., exactly?"

"It's one of the three biggest corporations in Japan." The man sounded proud to be working for it.

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