Chapter I:The encounter

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*It was a winter night, Dawn came out the Pokemon centre with bags in her hands of pokeballs, antidotes and food for her pokemons**But in the way back home Dawn found something in the snow*
-Dawn: go Piplup!
-Piplup: pip

-Dawn: I saw something on the snow, can you help me?-Piplup: pip-Dawn: Piplup use bubble beam(Piplup used bubble beam)(the snow is melting)(Dawn noticed a small boy)-Piplup: pip?-Dawn: Omg, it's a tiny person and he looks so cold

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-Dawn: I saw something on the snow, can you help me?
-Piplup: pip
-Dawn: Piplup use bubble beam
(Piplup used bubble beam)
(the snow is melting)
(Dawn noticed a small boy)
-Piplup: pip?
-Dawn: Omg, it's a tiny person and he looks so cold.hmm
-Dawn: Piplup comeback to your pokeball. My hands are busy with the bags tiny,but I know other site that is very warm.*Dawn put the tiny in her cleavage*
-???: thanks
(Joey was holding a premier ball)
-???: i have a Kirlia
-Dawn:How did you get a pokemon on that size?
-???: this was a gift from Nurse Joy
(The tiny is 5 inches tall)

(Dawn and the tiny arrive to Twinleaf

-Dawn: Do you want to fight with my Piplup? (The tiny nods)-???: Yes-Dawn: Well*Dawn gets the tiny out of her cleavage*-???: Kirlia i choose you!-Kirlia: kir

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-Dawn: Do you want to fight with my Piplup?
(The tiny nods)
-???: Yes
-Dawn: Well*Dawn gets the tiny out of her cleavage*
-???: Kirlia i choose you!
-Kirlia: kir

-Dawn: Piplup I choose you! Piplup:pip-???: Kirlia, use metronome!(Kirlia threw a rock on Piplup)-Dawn: Piplup use Whirlpool-???: Kirlia, use metronome(Kirlia kissed Piplup, Piplup is confused)*Dawn use bitter Berry, Piplup isn't confused*

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-Dawn: Piplup I choose you!
-???: Kirlia, use metronome!
(Kirlia threw a rock on Piplup)
-Dawn: Piplup use Whirlpool
-???: Kirlia, use metronome
(Kirlia kissed Piplup, Piplup is confused)
*Dawn use bitter Berry, Piplup isn't confused*

-Dawn: Piplup I choose you! Piplup:pip-???: Kirlia, use metronome!(Kirlia threw a rock on Piplup)-Dawn: Piplup use Whirlpool-???: Kirlia, use metronome(Kirlia kissed Piplup, Piplup is confused)*Dawn use bitter Berry, Piplup isn't confused*

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-???: Kirlia, use metronome
(Kirlia bites Piplup's belly, Piplup is poisoned)
-???: we are winning
*Dawn use full restore*

-Dawn: Come on Piplup we can win this-???: Kirlia, use metronome(Kirlia started to cry)-Dawn: Piplup use Fury atack*Piplup atack Kirila 5 times*-???: (sob) we lost, Kirlia

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-Dawn: Come on Piplup we can win this
-???: Kirlia, use metronome
(Kirlia started to cry)
-Dawn: Piplup use Fury atack
*Piplup atack Kirila 5 times*
-???: (sob) we lost, Kirlia. return to your ball.
(The tiny lost the battle, Kirlia was his only pokemon)
-Dawn: Yes, piplup comeback to your pokeball.Well tiny you lose,but it's okay you can improve that Kirila and you will win all the Pokemon fights.
-Joey: call me Joey, please...
(Joey is carrying the ball for the pokecenter)
-Dawn: Well Joey, it will be a long trip to he pokecenter.And I can take you to the center more fast, can I? Please.
-Joey: sure!
(flashback on)
Joey was training his Kirlia againts a Gengar.

-Joey: sure!(flashback on)Joey was training his Kirlia againts a Gengar

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But sudden, that Gengar used the move known as "Curse".
and Joey started to get smaller.
(flashback off)
-Dawn: Well, we can start our trip,*put Joey in her cleavage again**They arrive at the pokecenter*
-Nurse Joy: welcome!
-Joey: can you heal our pokemon?
Nurse Joy: sure
(Kirlia and Piplup were healed)
*They get out of the pokecenter*
-Dawn: Joey, I have to say you're nice, can we be friends?
-Joey: sure!
(Kirlia looks happy)
-Kirlia: kir!
(Kirlia is evolving)
-Gardevoir: let me help you, master
*Gardevoir lifts up Joey*
-Joey: did you just evolved?
(Gardevoir nods)
-Dawn: Oh, a gardevoir I've only see this pokemon on photos,but in real life is so much cuter and beautiful.
-Gardevoir: you won a battle against my master, i can do something to thank you.
(Gardevoir used Stockpile)
-Gardevoir: a potion for you!
*gives to Dawn*
-Dawn: Ooh,you're very cordial Gardevoir,I've got something for you
*Dawn gives Gardevoir a dynamic band*
-Dawn: Give this to Joey, I have more of this so can't be a problem to give you one.
-Gardevoir: master
-Joey: yes?
-Gardevoir: this is a dynamic band
-Joey: yay!
-Gardevoir: my moveset is. Metronome, Stockpile, Recover, and Teleport. when i was a Kirlia, my master was telling me to use Metronome.
(The metronome move was: smack down, poison fang, fake tears, and attract)
-Dawn: Well Joey and Gardevoir it's getting dark,I invite you to sleep in my house, Are you agree?
-Gardevoir: shall we, master?
-Joey: lets go!
*Dawn, Joey and Gardevoir arrives Dawn's house*
-Dawn: What do you think my friends, Do you like my house?
-Joey: it's really cool
-Gardevoir: i liked too
(Gardevoir kissed Joey)
-Joey: I see you are happy
-Gardevoir: sure, master
Dawn: Aaw, you're a very good couple.I only have two beds,so Joey, who do you want to sleep with?
-Joey: *returns*,Gardevoir
-Gardevoir: yes master
-Joey: i will sleep with you
-Dawn: Oh ok, time to go to the bed,*Dawn gets sleep*
(Joey and Gardevoir is sleeping)

Final of the chapter one

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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