How it all started

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Fred-y/n what the hell
Y/n-Fred it's not what It looks like
Draco-yes it is we been hiding this all since the beginning of school
Y/n-Draco shut up

You probably wondering how we got here we'll let me take you back

Hi I'm y/n .y/n Potter yes you heard it right Harry's my brother he's a lil protective or me since yk our parents I meet Draco the beginning 1 year because of the beef between him and Harry. Draco was my best friend ever since the 2 year me and Draco got closer and started sneaking out because of my brother well this summer Draco finally asked me to be his gf but we can't let anyone know and this is how this whole thing started anyway let's get in to the story btw I'm in Gryffindor

The beginning of 4rd year
*First class starts they all sit down *
Professor Pomona Sprout -off topic but today we will be talking about love can someone tell me what that is
* Hermione raises her hand*
Professor Pomona Sprout-yes Hermione

Hermione-an intense feeling of deep affection
Professor Pomona sprout-yes is there a different meaning
Draco-it's love where the women falls for the men that's handsome like me *smirks at you*
*everyone laughs*
Y/n-actually it could be prove that men fall for the women first
Professor Pomona sprout-ok class over you are dismissed
*Y/n leaves and starts walking to her next class Harry catches up with her*
Harry-y/n what was that
Y/n-what was what
Harry-don't play dum I saw you and Draco in class
Y/n-don't be stupid Harry
*hermoine and Ron catches up with y'all *
Hermione-they would be cute
Ron-eww what draco is no
*y'all see a group of people standing around y'all go to the crowd*
Harry-what's going on
Pansy-y'all didn't hear
Y/n-hear what
Pansy-Draco just asked Daphne Greengrass out
*y/n sees draco and looks at him pansy noticed*
Y/n-umm I gotta go*walks out *
*draco follows her and they meet outside *
Y/n-what Draco
Draco-look people were getting suspicious so I had to cover up
Y/n-so if you have to cover up that means I could right
Draco-what no
Y/n-no that's what you mean *y/n leaves to go to the hall*
*draco follows after *
*little did they know pansy heard everything and knows what's going on now*

*in the hall whit they were eating*
Hermione-why dose Fred keep starting at you y/n
Ron-you and him been bestie since forever
*fred goes up to you
Fred-hey y/n
Fred-I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend
*everyone goes silent *
*you look at draco and he looks back at you *
Y/n- ummmm........

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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