Chapter 7: Telmarine Army and The Challenge

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It was the crack of dawn and everyone was still resting while the others were preparing for war against the Telmarines for when they arrive, meanwhile Roy was still sleeping in Caspia's room after that incident with the white witch and finding out about her father and brother who were killed by her evil uncle Miraz. However Caspia woken up and went outside for some air while she stills morns the death of father and brother.

Caspia: 😢sniff

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Caspia: 😢sniff...........(Caspia outside the How crying a little after what she been through until a voice came to her and it was Cornelius)

Cornelius: My princess.......(Cornelius saids then sits next to the princess who was still sad of knowing the truth)

Caspia: Why..........why didn't you ever tell me about my father and my brother.....

Cornelius: My mother was a black dwarf from the northern mountains, I risked my life all these years that one day you might be a better person than those before you, even your own brother Caspian knew this.

Caspia: 😢sniff.....Then.....then I failed you.....I failed my father and I failed my brother.....(Caspia saids while looking more upset then ever)

Cornelius: Everything I told you and your brother, everything I didn't it was only because I believed in you, you have a chance to become something in the greatest of all of history.

Caspia: And what would that be?

Cornelius: A Telmarine that saved Narnia

Caspia was surprised about this and she released that maybe just maybe she can become someone greater than those before her and even she can no longer have the love of her father or brother by her side, her friends will always be there for her as well as Roy who believed in her and made a promise to be by her side every step of the way.

Caspia: Thank you have been such a wonderful person in my life.

Cornelius: You are very welcome my Princess and not just me but also Roy, he will always have your side I saw it in his eyes that he cares deeply about you.

Caspia: I know he is amazing and I have never met anyone who would be there for someone like me even in my darkest hour. I am very happy that I got to meet him and get to know him about his life and his families legacy.

Cornelius: He is an honorable man, I can tell you and him will be great together.

Caspia: I wonder if he feels the same way about me.(Caspia saids in thought while looking at the view of the How with Cornelius while someone was watching them behind and it was Roy)

Roy: I will tell you soon Caspia I promise(Roy saids in thought then heads back into the How)

When Roy goes back into the How, he heads back into the tomb and sees Peter and Lucy sitting down while looking at the carving of Aslan and he decided to join them in their conversation.

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