'You're Safe With Me' ~ Min Yoongi

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Your mind was racing, as two men pulled you away from Yoongi

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Your mind was racing, as two men pulled you away from Yoongi. You were kicking and shouting whilst Yoongi was held back, your eyes squeezed shut in the hope it would all go away, but as you felt yourself get thrown into the back of a van, you couldn't help but scream.

"Y/N," a voice whispered, shaking your shoulder. It didn't sound like it was coming from your dream as your frame was jolted. "Wake up."

You opened your eyes only to see yourself in the familiarity of your bedroom, a concerned Yoongi lying beside you, studying your face. You were sweating, your chest was pounding, you were struggling to realize what was happening around you.

"Jagi, listen to me, you've had a nightmare, just stay calm." His arms rested on your shoulders, trying to get you to focus. "Tell me what's going on."

"I-I was being taken and this man came after me and took me from you."

Yoongi held you closely, rocking you closely to try and stop the sobs that threatened to spill from emerging. Just by listening to your voice he could tell how terrified you were, this wasn't the first nightmare you'd encountered, but every time it still worried him to see you this way.

"I'm right here, aren't I? Hold my hand, I'm here." Your hand intertwined with his, squeezing it tightly.

The feel of his skin was an assurance, his slightly calloused hands gripped you just as tight. "You're there."

"I'm here," he reassured you. "I know it's scary and hard, but you need to know that everything is fine, you're safe now with me, nothing will ever happen to you whilst I'm around. No guys are coming to get you, or me, ever."

You nodded, laying back down as your breathing pattern settled. You pushed the duvet down a little bit in the hope it would cool you down.

Yoongi placed his hand on your forehead, brushing loose strands of hair that had fallen out of the bun on top of your head away from the front of your face. He could feel the beads of sweat on your forehead, using his pyjama sleeve to dry them.

"Keep taking those deep breaths for me. Familiarize yourself with everything, this is your bedroom, your home, this is the safest place in the world for you, no matter what."

"I know I'm looked after when I'm with you, they always just seem so real, I don't understand why they happen to me." You began to get yourself worked up again, cuddling further into Yoongi.

He peppered a few kisses on your face, catching the tears that fell with his lips. "No tears, you're safe, I want to see that smile of yours."

His hands travelled downwards, grazing against your hips. He knew it was your weak spot, as his fingers dug in slightly. You tried to fight off a laugh, but it was no good, small giggles escaping.

"Yoongi, stop!"

He couldn't stop himself, seeing your smile meant a huge deal to you, knowing that you were back feeling relaxed in your own environment. "There's that smile, see."

"Alright, now please just let me go." He finally let you go, quickly wrapping you back up in his arms. "Do you feel like you want to go back to sleep?"

"Will you lay with me?"

"Of course." He added a sweet kiss to your lips, laying flat so your head could rest on his chest. "I'm not going anywhere, whenever you need me, I'm right here with you."

It took a moment for you to feel completely comfortable, looking up at Yoongi quickly before you shut your eyes. He stared down at you making sure you were dozing off, running his hands lightly over your waist.

"Remember I'm here, I'm really proud of how you've coped tonight, it's not easy, but you've done really well jagi."

"I've only managed because you woke me up, if it wasn't for you who knows what sort of state I could be in right now."

He chuckled, leaning his head down so it rested on your own. "You don't realize your own strength sometimes, you would have woken yourself up and sorted yourself out, you're a tough, brave human, you don't need me as much as you think."

"Don't say that, I need you more than you'll ever know. You help me through a lot, you don't even realize you're doing it, that's how incredible you are."

"You don't know what you're talking about," he teased, "just go back to sleep, you're obviously tired."

You sighed, poking his chest, "stop being like that, you have no idea how incredible you are, even tonight you've just proven why you're the best boyfriend in the world."

"I love you, you beautiful human. Just try and get some sleep now, for me, and remember I'm right here if you need me."

"I love you too Yoongi, thank you for being there. I know I'll be safe in your arms."


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