Fan meeting

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After another fan meeting, which ended quite late, cuz fans didn't want to let Sam and YU go away, their managers decided to take rooms to the hotel for them to spend the night there, and then go home. The stars were placed in the rooms next to each other, the managers also took rooms for themselves, and everyone went their separate ways. The day was hard, everyone was nervous, so it was logical to go to separate rooms and relax in peace and quiet. Entering his room, YU took off his jacket and without even looking around he went to the window and carefully looked out. This is hardly any of the fans followed them, but he should still be careful not to walk in front of the panoramic window. At the moment YU shut the curtains, there was a knock at the door. Knowing exactly who had come, YU hurried to open the door, allowing Sam to enter. As soon as YU closed the door, he was rather roughly turned around by the elbow and was pressed with his back to this door. Somewhere in the back of his mind, YU noticed that Sam hadn't even taken off his jacket, but a second later, a kiss covered his lips. Yes, before that, they kissed, but it was either by agreement, or it just sorf of happened, when they discussed their roles and script. YU didn't expect such a pressure and was confused, not pushing Sam away, but also not responding to the kiss. With one hand, Sam pressed YU's shoulder to the door, and the other went down his chest, and then YU threw off his torpor and finally pushed Sam away. He was not aware of it, but he knew that he could push much harder. Sam took two steps back, staring at YU's lips and panting a little.
- What was it? - asked YU, trying to calm down and understand what was happening with Sam. And although he guessed, he preferred to drive this thought away from himself. At the sound of YU's voice Sam finally looked into his eyes.
- I want you.
This phrase hung in the air like a soap bubble, soaring higher and higher, threatening to burst. Time dragged on and on, and both guys didn't take their eyes off each other. Both didn't know each other's reaction, but there was also something that they knew for certain. They are already familiar enough and have spent so much time together. They spent so much ... time ... together ... YU took a step forward and kissed Sam at the same time wrapping his arms around Sam's neck. Sam was coming towards, hugging YU. They hadn’t kissed that yet. They both knew there were moments when they were able to cross the line, but they constantly repeated to themselves that there was cameras all around. Even now, out of habit, YU pulled back slightly, but dropping all thoughts in time and again gave himself up to the kiss. Sam ripped off his jacket and threw it on the floor, under his feet, almost stumbling over it, but could not tear himself away from YU's lips. Sam opened his eyes a little, still not letting go of YU, he gently pulled YU to the bed. Along the way, stroking YU's back, Sam decided to get out of YU's T-shirt. They were reluctantly separated from each other, and Sam managed to notice that YU was left with his mouth was slightly open and eyes closed. How his eyelashes fluttered! YU lifted his hands up compliantly, and Sam pulled off his shirt with no problem. YU's tousled hair fell over his face, and he hastily straightened it, again taking a step towards Sam. Their lips met again in a kiss, Sam grabbed YU's naked torso and gently nudging, lowered him onto the bed. Again reluctantly pulling away, Sam took off... and there isn't even matter what he was in there now, he didn't understand well it. In his sight, YU propped himself up on his elbows, bent one leg at the knee and placing it on the bed, moved himself closer to the middle of the bed. However that was not what made Sam forget who he was, what he was in and where he was, but YU's gaze ... so alluring and as if challenging him at the same time Sam had never seen YU's eyes before. Not remembering how Sam was already on top, covering his partner's face and neck with kisses, passing his hands over YU's chest, feeling his heart beating wildly. Just as Sam's own heart is beating now. Dipping his lips lower, Sam lightly bit the skin on YU's neck, from which he sucked in a noisy air. After licking the place he had bitten, Sam went down to YU's chest, nonstop wandering his hand over YU's skin. The kisses were either hard or gentle, and YU clung to Sam's shoulders with his hands, squeezing them in response to the pain, but not stopping Sam. When he got to the nipples Sam circled one of them with his tongue and then caught it with his lips. At that moment YU removed one hand from Sam's shoulders and covered his face with the back of his hand. Sam terminating his occupation, hovered over YU and removed his hand from his face.
- Don't shut yourself up from me. - he said in a whisper gently touching YU's cheek. YU just nodded silently. With the same hand Sam ran down from YU's face down the neck touching only with the very tips of his fingers, giving YU goosebumps. Sam felt YU wiggle his legs on the blanket. Sam went down with his hand, ran it down YU's thigh, simultaneously pressing his lower body to YU. All this time he didn't take his eyes off YU's face: blushing, with kissed lips. When Sam touched him, he realized that YU was also aroused, and a shadow of relief flashed through his head. The last doubts were dispelled and Sam continued kissing YU again, dropping down again and caressing his nipples. YU still tried to hold back his groans, but his breathing was so fast and so ragged that Sam was almost blown away. Unbending Sam reached for the fasteners on YU's trousers, hastily unbuttoning it. YU, standing up, helped Sam with the trousers and immediately pinched himself slightly, being completely naked. And Sam, on the contrary, was on his knees between YU's legs and examined the guy lying in front of him. Staring at YU's excitement, then at the bite and kiss marks he left behind, Sam reached out and touched YU's standing dick. No strange sensations, no disgust, nothing that could now make Sam doubt his actions. Instead, there was a feeling that everything was exactly as it should be. He looked at YU and in his head was beating: "Mine. Desired. So georgeous!" Sinking down, Sam cupped YU's excited flesh with his lips, running his tongue over the dickhead. At the same moment, a groan escaped YU's lips. So bright and sensual that it seemed to ring in these four walls. Sam's ears began to rustle, and with great difficulty in controlling himself, he continued to suck, raising and lowering his head and helping himself with his hand. YU bent forward, pushed towards Sam and moaned, no longer hiding. One of his hands was clutching the blanket near his thigh, and the other was buried in Sam's hair, who clearly understood that soon he wouldn't have the restraint, and after all, YU still had to prepare for more. Sam did a blowjob for the first time. And he liked it ... he felt himself more and more aroused, saw YU's reaction to his actions, and didn't want to stop at all, catching every movement and every breath of his partner.
- Ah, stop, that's enough, I'll soon ... - YU said it with such breathy that Sam didn't immediately understand the meaning of his words. And as soon as Sam had time to distance, YU cum on his stomach and dropped his hands exhausted, closing his eyes. Sam grabbed napkins from the bedside table and wiped YU while he was in a bliss. Then Sam pulled a small tube of lube from the pocket of his jeans. At the click of the lid, YU immediately opened his eyes and raised himself. Of course, they both knew what would happen next. Spreading YU's legs wider, Sam squeezed out a cool, slippery mass onto his hand and lowered it to YU's anus. YU still didn’t fully regain his breath, but letting Sam do whatever he wanted, YU sank back onto the bed and tried to relax. Gently running his fingers between YU's buttocks, Sam gently slid one finger in. YU sighed convulsively, and Sam, leaning over to his lips, whispered:
- Shh, relax, I won't hurt you.
YU knew it was true. He knew for sure that Sam would be much more hurt, and then he would not be able to forgive himself.
- Kiss me. - YU whispered in response. Of course he was scared. First time with a guy. It isn't known how their relationship will develop further. It isn't known what all their managers, companies and so on will say to this. It isn't known how tonight will end at all... But then Sam kissed YU. With such tenderness that all thoughts flew out of YU's head. Trying to distract YU for a kiss, gently biting his lips, Sam tried to find a sensitive point with his finger, and, oh gods! found it pretty quickly, otherwise he would simply not know how to further restrain himself. YU jerked underneath him and gently squeezed Sam's neck in the arms. Sam, in turn, repeated the manipulation over and over, until YU began to moan thinly right through the kiss. Sam added another finger, then another, each time making sure YU wasn't in pain. And although he was not exactly sure that there was no pain at all, he could no longer stop, and YU didn't push him away. Breaking the kiss, Sam took out a condom, unbuttoned his pants, took off and threw them somewhere, then tore open the package and rolled the condom over his penis. The blood pounded in his ears so that he could no longer control himself. Grasping one leg under YU's knee and throwing it over his shoulder, Sam whispered "Sorry" and pushed hard inside YU's body. YU arched and cryed out, but Sam's self-control made him stop. Standed still, he began to stroke YU's hot body, kiss his leg pressed to his body, and wait. Taking a deep breath and exhaling several times, YU nodded, indicating that Sam could move. Trying to do it as slowly as possible, Sam entered again. After waiting, and not noticing any stopping gestures from YU, Sam began to move more boldly. Control was already running out, and Sam, letting go of the situation, began to move as he wanted. Slightly closing his eyelids, watching his partner open up to meet him, surrenders completely to their contact, Sam with one hand continued to stroke, then squeeze YU's leg pressed to his shoulder, and lowered the other hand to YU's penis. YU was made towards Sam with every thrust, moaning softly. Gradually increasing the pace, literally gasping from overexcitement, Sam watched Yu, and what he saw gave him no less pleasure than the feelings in the lower abdomen. And then YU stretched out his arms towards Sam, asking for a hug, and Sam sank down to YU, letting YU's arms wrap around his neck.
- Lin Zi Hong ...
A half whisper, half a moan burned Sam's ear, and he, impulsively pushing into YU again, finished, feeling as YU followed him. Barely breathing, Sam kissed YU, and he responded with the same tired kiss. Opening his eyes and pulling back slightly, Sam noticed the wet tracks on YU's cheeks, but didn't joke around as usual. Sam removed and threw away the condom, then wiped YU for the second time that night and then himself. He didn't care what would happened in the morning, so he pulled the covers off the bed, lifted YU's limp body, laid him down, lay down next to them and covered them both. As he was falling asleep, Sam felt YU turn over, snuggling closer to him. Sam smiled, hugged him and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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