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9:45 pm
We all finished eating.
My brother,Kyle, he doesnt like the idea for me to go out at night, since im 15, well im almost 16, but im still a baby to him. He doesnt want me to get a boyfriend or something like that, he likes to take care of me.

10:02 pm


𝐄𝐥𝐝𝐨𝐧: are u guys ready? lets goo

𝐀𝐯𝐚: u're picking me up right?❤️

𝐄𝐥𝐝𝐨𝐧: yes boo, im almost there ❤️


Im finally ready.
Im wearing a crop top and simple jeans.

Kyle: where the fuck do u think u're going?

Me: I already told you! im hanging out with my friends?

Kyle: Whos taking u there?

Me: Well, thats what i was about to ask u, can u give me a ride please??

Kyle: yeah, lets go!

WHAT? How the fuck did he turned so sweet?

Kyle: go get a jacket!
Me: why? its really hot outside!
Kyle: ok ig.

11:15 pm
*In the car*

Its pretty weird, theres too much silence in here!

Me: let me turn on the radio!
Kyle: alright!

*turning on the radio*

...baby i'm, dancing in the dark with you between my arms...

Me: "barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song"- i sang.
Kyle: what the fuck are u doing?
Me: shut up dumbass!

*we arrived*

Kyle: if u need something call me, im picking u up at 2:30 pm!
Me: ok, i will. love u
Kyle: love u too.

why the fuck do they wanted to go to a skating park??
well, at least i like to stake.


Me: yeah yeah, we all know that im sexy hahahahha miss u'all too dumbasses!

Bela: hey brat!

Me: hey, sweetheart! wheres everyone?

Eldon: Tina's home, studying. Ava is right there with david, cocks. Jessica and billy are almost here. And biernam is home because Kim broke up with him.

Me: Really? omg! he loves

her so much, shes probably too stupid and ugly for him. We should go get him.

Eldon: nah, is better this way, at least hes feeling comfortable enough to cry there, if he comes here with us, he wont be able to have fun yet!

Me: yeah, u're right!

Bela: So?

Eldon: SOOOOO lets have funnn!

we start running till the others, and we all start laughing less ava.

Ava: of course u had to come, "Barbie"!

Me: shut up, anabelle!

Ava: its not my fault that u come here and think everything's urs! and dressing like a bitch!

Me: WHAT? forget it, i dont have to worry about u anabelle!


*jess and billy arrived*


Billy: we came a little late because the pizzas werent ready yet.

Me:its ok. lets have fun now!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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