Only the beginning..

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Back to Fiona's point of view.
That felt pretty nice and good after all. Although I still would love to get to know him and start building a relationship. "So I have been dying to ask you" lucas said as he zips up his black denim jeans. "Yes ?" I said. "So would you maybe like to go on a actual date? Other then just hook ups?" He said. Wait it is like he's reading my mind. "Of course I would love to." I said. I should start heading back to my friends it's been an hour they must be worried sick. Then like you know just like that they.. BARGE IN. "OHH, uhhhh did I miss something?" Said Lissa winking at me. "Oh- uh. We were jus-" "just fucking" said lucas. "Damn. So Fiona bangs someone in a room before I do!?" Said Jordan. Heh.. I mean me and lucas will get to know each other hopefully we last long. "That was kind of quick, but okayyyyy. I see you Fiona!" Said Lissa smiling. "Yea but me and him are going to go on an actual date!" I said. "Oooo sounds amazing. Well sorry to interrupt but we have got to go. Lucas took 8 pastries on the tray while we were looking for you. And now he ran making it obvious" Lissa said laughing. "HEY, it's not funny I actually kind of liked those cranberry shortcakes." Jordan said as we all laughed.
Blah blah blah then they walk out and Fiona and Lucas hit it off. Happily ever after <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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