The Beginning

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"NO! YOU CAN'T TAKE MY BABY!" I could hear my mother screaming while she fell to her knees crying reaching her arms out to me as if she tried to keep this strange lady from taking me away, I turned around to see my mom running out the house door way towards me "I'm sorry Mrs.Carpentero but you haven't got clean since our last visit and we told you if you couldn't clean then you would be an unfit parent for Diamond she doesn't deserve to be in this environment" the lady grabbed me by my arm and gently lifted me into her car pulling the seatbelt across me and closing the door locking it.

"How in the hell do you know what my child deserves!?" my mother screamed trying to get into the car

"Mrs. Carpentero I'm asking you nicely to please calm down before I'm am forced to call the police I'm just doing my job" the lady walked around the car and got into the drivers side rolling up her window

"FUCK YOU AND YOUR JOB YOU EVIL BITCH!!" my mom kicked the side of the car pulling at the door handle

"Get yourself clean and maybe then the court will let you have your child back til then take your junkie ass to a rehab!" the lady started up the car and drove off, I stood up in my seat with a face full of tears looking out the back window crying for my mom. Being a five year old you don't exactly know whats going on but I did know that this was the last time I'll ever see my mommy again and it broke my little heart.

"sweetie I'm so sorry you had to see that" the lady looked in the rearview mirror at me "your mommy is very sick and she needs help" she gave me a half smile like she was unsure of what she was saying, I wiped my face and held onto my purple teddybear mommy got for me when I was a baby

"will I ever see her again" I asked, she looked at me for a moment then focused back on driving before she gave me a small smile

"Maybe later on in the future when she's all better, but for the time being your going to stay somewhere else for a little while just until mommy gets well ... okay?"

I nodded and sat back in my seat.

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