zyke x reader pt.1

25 1 4

*yes mf this is a high school au cuz thats the only thing im good at*

How yall first met ig
-no ones POV-

"hey kiddo you ready yet?" Your mom calles out from down stairs. You were in your room packing your bags to get ready to move for the *counts fingers* 5,6,7,8th time, and god how you hated moving. Everytime you got comfortable around your new friends, you had to move. But After all 8 times of moving you made one everlasting friend, Alex. (HAHA, HELL YA IM IN THE STORY MF'ERS HAHA🤪) When you met alex she was extremely loud and just stupid. So by the time you told her you had to move, she didn't have it. You have her number and always reamberd to call each week or she'll have a bitch fit about it.

You finally finished packing your bags to get ready to move, Again. As you finished you headed down stairs and was ready. "Listen sweetie i know how much you hate moving because you had to make new friends and new schools, butt im thinking this may be our final destination" "mom you say that every time we move" i cant blame her to much though, after a divorce, things been rough on her. She works extra shifts just so you'll have dinner on the table. She is a workaholic tbh. "Yeah i know but this place has a better paying job that i can work at" she beamed. "Ok, we'll see" you say and head out the door with your mom.

Its was a silent drive to the airport, you and your mom was almost late to the plane, luckily you made it in time scoring the last two seats in the back row.

*time skip brought to you by Alex's upside down crown*

"Where finally here!" Your mom said after the long ride. You steped out the car  and stretched, after being stuck in a car for a long time, it felt nice to stretch. You took a breath of the cold air, then nearly choked because a bug flew past.(BAHAH SORRY I HAD TO LMAODHJSJ)

You pushed open the door to your new house and it smelt like... a new house. (Y/N: OK STFU AND BE SRS FOR ONCE! ALEX: SORRY IT CANT BE HELPED BAHAH) "hey kid how about you go check out the house while i set up" your mom said. "Kk"
You walked around to find the living room, it was decently big with a window on the side. Right by the living room was the kitchen. You swiped your hand on the butcherblock counters, the cabinet were plain white with long and rounded handels that were black and shiny.

You made your way up the wooden staircase, grazing your hands on the smooth wood.

When you finally made it up stairs you looks around the hallway that connects to the rooms, the floor is bair wood and clean. Looking at the floor you contemplated on if tou should take of yours shoes to walk around a bit. "Eh, why not" you muble  to your self as you take each shoe off and leave it on floor by the staircase.

After exploring each of the rooms and bathrooms, you make your way back down the stairs. Down stairs in the living room you find your mom pulling in the last of the suitcases. She hears you come down the stairs and looks up. "Hey kiddo, the uhaul with the stuff we need for the house should be coming in about an hour, is that ok?" She questions "yeah of course! Dont worry ill be outside for a bit" "ok! Just be back before the sun goes down ok" running up the stairs, you grabbed your shoes placing them back on your feet before heading out the house.

Its pretty chilly outside so you put your hoodie on to keep as much warmth as possible. You look around at the streets while cars are passing by. You walk down to the side walk and start walking to god knows where (finna go to 7 11 and get my self a slurppy😋😋)
Having no actual idea on were to go, you walked to a clearing in a field. Nobody was there just you, it was actually pretty quiet other than the sound of moving cars on the streets. On the grass field nothing was there that popped out other than a single tree resting alone on field, walking along to the tree you sat down right by the trunk of the tree and stared at the moving cars and all the lights.

(Oh and btw yall this "-" means like what the person is thinking, just thought that might help lol)
"-this place doesn't look as bad as i thought it would be to be honest-" you thought to yourself "-but still, i have to go to a new school with new people and teachers, probably going to get lost in hallways or outside trying to find each of my classes, ugh thats not something i really want to do really-" you sigh out of worry about how school is going to be and having to adjust to all thw new changes the 8th time.
While in mid thought the phone in your pocket started buzzing. Reaching in your pocket and taking out the phone, you check and see who was calling you right now. Alex. Alex was calling you. Worried about what crackheaded shit shes gonna talk to you about now, you answered the call.
"HEY MF" "hey Alex! Whats going on now??"
"OK OK SO REAMBER WHEN YOU SAID THAT YOU WHERE MOVING AND THAT YOUR MOM SAID THIS MIGHT BE THE LAST TIME YOU GUYS ARE MOVING?!?" she screamed into the phone. "Uhh yeah, wait why? You question, already worried about her answer.

"WAIT WHAT REALL!?" you couldn't tell if you should be excited or worried.
"YASSSSS WERE GOING TO THE SAME SCHOOL ASWELL!" "WHOOO!" you let out a sigh of relief, becuase thats one thing that might make school less like a prison.
"OH SHI- DUDE I GOT TO TAKE MY ASS TO BED GOOD NIGHT!!! SHE YOU AT SCHOOL!!" Alex yelled into the phone before hanging up. God Alex is so weird stg.
But what she said about it being late was right, you looked up to see the sun setting over the horizon. "-Its really pretty-" you think to yourself. You sigh and get up from the grass and start walking home. "mabye this place wont suck to much" you say as you make way home.

Grand total of 1159 words😌

zyke x reader (*screams* ok ok i can do this)Where stories live. Discover now