Hanako X Reader (Donuts)

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Fluff ^^

(You are in a baking club and friends with Hanako, Yashiro and Kou)

Hanako x Reader


Being friends with the supernatural was really chaotic plus with an exorcist and sweet daikon girl

Ever since Hanako confessed he liked homemade donuts you have been planning to bake some but with all your activities and events with your school you can't seem to have a free day just to bake

Sure, you were in the baking club but you were actually anxious to ask and would just give up and do what you were supposed to do

Finally at Saturday you were free and went to your club and baked without any distubance and interruptions

You had finished cooking your dougnuts and letting them cool off for awhile

You noticed Kou-Kun coming in the room, your were surprised but remembered he said he had a club practice today so you just smiled "Kou? What are you doing here?" You said and went to him

He looked at you surprised like he wasn't expecting you to be here "Oh hello Y/n-Senpai, Uhh i came here since one of the members asked me to bring them something" He said and chuckled, you smiled "Alright, What is it they wanted?" you asked, he thought for a second "Their apron, They said they forgot to bring it and asked me" He answered "May i ask what were their name? They're a lot of aprons here" You said and went to the place where you place on your aprons "They didn't say their name but they had curly short bloned hair with glasses" Kou said and went beside me "Oh, so you were talking about Yuri-San" You said and got their apron "Here" i gave it to Kou, he looked at me and smiled

"Thank you Y/n-Senpai!" Kou thanked and went to go to the door, then he noticed there were donuts on a plate, he stopped and looked at you "Did you make those?" He askes pointing at them, you looked where he was pointing and nodded "Yeah, I'm gonna give it to Hanako-Kun" you said and grinned at him, he smiled and went to the island "May i try?" He asks, you went to him and nodded "Sure"

He took one donut "Oo- it's hot-" He said and switched with his fingers

(if you understand ig?)

He laughed and you followed, he finally got a hold with the donut and bit it, he was munching for a while, while you were eager waiting for his response, he smiled wide while still munching "Itsch good!" he said taking another bite, you giggled

Kou swallowed his donut and gave a thumbs up "Hanako will sure love this!" He said cheering you on, you laughed and thanked him

You and Kou said your goodbyes, you were now confident with your creation, you noticed it was now warmed up so you got a small paper bag and placed them one by one

You decided to prepared some tea if Hanako-kun wanted or for yourself if you wanted to eat with him

You were now ready, you got the paper bag and your hydro flask and went out


You were now at the old building in front of the girls bathroom, you took a big inhale then exhaled, you struggled to open the door

(because your hands are full)

but it finally opened and saw hanako playing cards with the mokke, hanako noticed you were there and spilled his cards "Y/n!" He said with glee and ran and hugged you

You would've accepted his hug but your hands was full so you just smiled, he let go and noticed something you were holding "Is that for me?" He said and looked at the paper bag, you looked where he was looking and you nodded "It's donuts i made them myself" you said he looked at you with happy eyes and a little blushing "Thank you Y/n! You're the best!" He said and hugged you once more


Both of you were now on the rooftop eating donuts and drinking tea, you couldn't help but blush from the supernatural being happy eating your donuts, making you stare at him, the boy noticed and smiled "Aren't i cute?" He said "Really" You replied

". . ."

You noticed what you said and slapped your mouth, it was now silent making it really awkward and uncomfortable for both of you, you cursed inside your head, you then felt a finger on your hand "Don't hide your mouth.." Hanako said "I wouldn't able to see you blushing"

That made you even red and looked down, you finally removed your hand on your mouth, Hanako placed his index and thumb on your chin and made you look up but your eyes stayed down "Look at me Y/n.." He said you listened and looked at his eyes, he was so close

He moved even closer slowly closing his eyes, you were ready what would happen and shut your eyes, both of your lips now touched, you moved closer to him deepening the kiss, you were a blushing mess, sure, but you couldn't miss this opportunity

It felt like heaven to you, from just a single kiss it makes your heart beat like hell

Both of you now parted and noticed he was also blushing

Both of you were silent not knowing what to say next, then hanako booped your nose "Guess you're mine now~" He said and winked, you blushed and smiled


Milky Out!

I just noticed donuts can't be baked in an oven 🤦‍♀️ but oh well 🤷‍♀️.

Edit: I changed it ✨

𝐉𝐒𝐇𝐊 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 & 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬♪Where stories live. Discover now