Episode 7: Heated Part 1

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Warning⚠️ : A little something lol
Bianca's POV
Natalie was on the couch as I fixed us some snacks and drinks, she wore her hair in a ponytail today and wore blue sweats and a white cropped tank top, and a beige pullover sweater that was a little cropped. Her lips were glossed up, she was looking good as always.

Today she brought her laptop to type down the writing we did. Chris took Rosalie to see his family and she got some things to take because she was cooking for them. I gather all the candy I could find for her and brought her some water.

For me, I'll be taking the Double Stuffed Oreos with some water also. She's typing her entire life away, "So you made the team?" I asked her and she nodded smiling "When do y'all perform?" I asked her again "Tomorrow night at the game and guess what?" She said smiling "What?" I said looking at her "I was so good at auditions that now they want me to lead even though I'm a crab" She said "That's so good beautiful, congratulations now I'm definitely going to be there" I said I genuinely was happy for her and I couldn't wait to see her dance. "All thanks to you, if you didn't tell me to try out I would've stood in the damn shadows," She said laughing, "You just need a little push," I said looking at her as she types away. It was silent after that all I could feel was the sexual tension and I know she felt it too. Her plump lips that were begging to be kissed stood out the most.

"Natalie," I said "Yes," She said not paying me any attention "Stop typing I want to try something real quick"
I told her
she stops typing and looks my way, my eyes going back and forth between her eyes and her lips thinking to myself if I should do this and what can possibly happen if I did this. Natalie leaned in and so did I waiting for her to make a move which she was scared to do so I finally leaned all the way in and kissed her.
Natalie's POV
Temptress lips find themselves parting with mine, a fruity taste mixing into my mouth from her earlier snacking on sour power straws. Opening up to her, my tongue sneaks out, creating a bridge for her to cross. She takes the bait as she fights for dominance. I feel her hands on me, touching my boobs through my shirt all I could do was moan,

"Take off your shirt," Bianca said with a voice full of lust "Okay," I said taking it off and Bianca stares in awe, and then she does the unthinkable She grabs my throat and pulls me in for a kiss how does she know I like to get choked? it's like she can read me like an open book as I kissed her as if it was my last day on earth I bit her lip she whimpered, it was the most sexiest thing I ever heard, she then pushed me down onto the couch and kissed my neck trailing down all the way to my navel, feeling her fingertips tracing down to grab the waistband of my grey sweatpants pulling it all the way down along.

She swung my legs over her shoulders kissing my inner thigh slowly "Stop teasing me" I said and she smiled and shook her no and continued to kiss my thighs but this time she made eye contact with me "fuck" I moaned I think this girl is trying to put me in a body bag I never even got ate out ever so this would be the first and I'm a little nervous she puts her hands on the waistband of my panties

When Rosalie walks through the door with some homemade food "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry ew ew ew" and I hurried and put my clothes back on while Bianca fixes herself "Rosalie what are you doing here" Bianca said frustrated "You told me to come here after I finished cooking to bring you some food" Rosalie said raising her hands up "I think I'm just gonna home" I said turning around to put my shirt on "I'm really sorry I didn't know you were gonna have company at the house" Rosalie said sincerely

"No it's fine I'm just going to go," I said picking up my paperwork from our project and putting it in my bag "I'll walk you out," Bianca said giving Rosalie a look and we walk out the door she grabs my wrist

"Look I'm sorry I completely forgot I texted her earlier to come by if I knew I would've told her not to come," Bianca said and I shook my head "No it's really fine, we should forget this never happened, " I said chuckling watching Bianca's face show no emotion "Yeah we should," Bianca said, "So I'll see you in class tomorrow?" I said, "Yes do you need a cab or anything ?" Bianca said and I kindly shook my head pulling out my phone "No it's fine I'll ask Penelope to pick me up" I said getting ready to text her "You sure" Bianca said "Yes I'm super sure she's on her way here from shopping" I said "Aii text me when you at your crib ma ima stay here just to make sure she comes tho " Bianca said and I text Penny

Penny and Nat text convo

P- Hey
N- hey girl,pick me up from Bianca's house I'll explain later I'm just really embarrassed
P- okay I hope you're okay I'm on my way rn I literally ran to the car I'll be there in 2 minutes

"Everything good," Bianca said "Yes everything's fine," I said smiling slightly "I know you feeling embarrassed Nat" Bianca said how the fuck did she know?

"No I'm okay," I said "Natalie I study you I know when you embarrassed, " Bianca said laughing " how, " I said looking at her crazy "You turn red, you avoid looking at me you do that when you mad or embarrassed, you sometimes bite your lips and also you start to shut yourself out on me at times," Bianca said with a proud smirk she was right but I didn't expect her to read me, she studied me very well and that scared me the most if she found out my secret I stayed quiet not even saying a peep what seemed like forever Penelope pulls up in her 2016 Toyata Camry Hybrid "So I'll see you tomorrow," I said walking to the car quickly

"be safe, I'll see you tomorrow," Bianca said looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes of hers that always lead me in. I got into the car with Penelope and dropped my stuff in the front "What happened boo" Penny asked "You don't even want to know" I said getting flustered and P smirked getting a clue on what had happened

A/N: Thank you for reading! Share, Comment and Vote!

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