Chapter Three

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Clark finished his chores rather quickly that morning, but the entire time he was doing them, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. He didn't seem to notice anything was wrong, until a few minutes had passed, and as he returned the toolbox back where he'd found it, he took a moment to listen. Standing in the middle of the driveway, he twisted his head to the right for a few seconds, and as he did this, he swore he couldn't hear anything. If there was somebody watching him, they were way too quiet to be a human being. As concerned as he was about his father's warning, to be mindful of Lex, there was a small chance, the person watching could've come from Lex. A staff member? Worker who got paid too much just to spy on him. Clark wasn't sure, but he wasn't going to stand outside and wait to be ambushed. He'd learned his lesson the first time, never to be alone. Since his little run in with the person responsible for shooting him with the dart, that almost claimed his life, he knew he wasn't ready to go through all that again, so as normal as he could, walked across the driveway where he made it up the stairs and returned safely, onto the porch.

As he covered the top of his forehead with his hand, so he was blinded by the shinning sun, he could look around a bit better. Even though he couldn't hear anything, didn't mean there wasn't anyone lurking nearby. The more minutes passed him by, the sillier he felt. Maybe he was just becoming paranoid? He'd been through so much, in only a couple months, and never had he been this scared, or worried there would be someone watching his back at every moment. So, as he tried to blow it off, he headed back inside.

As the front door swung over, and as it creaked as it opened, from the rusty covering the locks, it safely closed behind him. He'd been able to make it inside without something happening to him. He thought about giving himself a prize, but stopped himself from completing that thought as he realized how insane he'd been acting. He was much more powerful than any human, and only a few people knew his weakness. Even though they had a huge leverage over him, the only people who knew were those he trusted, so that thought escaped his mind rather quickly.

He knew those people would never use his weakness against him, not purposely. The only times he could understand why he needed to have it used, was when he lose control when exposed to red Kryptonite or the time he'd been exposed to a new fresh kind of kryptonite. Silver Kryptonite, which made him super paranoid, and caused him to see and hear things that weren't even there. How much he shamed himself after it finally was forcefully taken out of his body, by the one person he knew now, couldn't be trusted. His once trustworthy professor, Milton Fine, an experiment created by kryptonians, but once he found is way to earth, vowed he'd stop at nothing to free the dark lord, Zod from his prison, in the Phantom Zone which Clark know figured out, is a prison created by his father, to imprison those who hurt, and caused evil wherever they went.

Clark couldn't help himself but think about the days when he was there, how powerless he felt. How beaten he'd gotten while there, without the help from his father's friend, Raya, he'd still be there........and he probably would've been killed, if those phantoms had gotten their way with him. As Clark found enough energy to stop thinking about those dark memories. He walked through the house, walking into the kitchen, as he stopped next to the fridge. Opening it, he couldn't help but notice his cup from breakfast was sitting on the counter next to him. Remembering he'd put that in the sink, wondered for a second, how it had gotten there.

He knew his dad had said he'd be out in town for a few more supplies, and his mom, would be out picking up some groceries, and a batch of her favorite tea, from the tea shop she enjoyed, which Clark knew was a little ways past the Talon......which mean't she'd be gone for a little while.

As he felt himself growing paranoid again, he reached for the phone, dialed a number, and waited till he heard something.

''Hey, Pete? Is there anyway you could stop by for a little while? It's just-I just finished all my chores, and I'm feeling creeped out. Like everywhere I turn, someone's just there, watching me? I know how crazy that sounds, but it would mean a lot to me, man.''

''Clark?'' Pete's voice sounded much lower than usual, and as he spoke it only grew lower and lower. As Clark used his super-hearing to hear him better, he swore even that wasn't working. Pete was either not talking, or holding his breath. Only strange mumbles came through the phone.

''Pete? Are you holding your breath? I can barely hear you, if you are even talking? What's going on?!'' he shouted. As he held the phone tighter to his ear, clenching the bottom of the phone with his other hand, he lifted his strength. He really didn't want to be reason his parents had to buy a new phone. So as careful as he was, to control his fear and worry, he hung up the phone. Either Pete was pulling a prank on him, or Chloe had just broken up with him? Something was seriously wrong.

As he stood motionless in the middle of the kitchen, the counter right next to him. With a sense of unfamiliar energy lurking behind him, he leaped into action. Reading out with his hand, he grabbed his cup from earlier. As his super speed slowed everything else around him, he'd been able to hit his target. With a crash and a bang, as something hard and heavy hit the ground.

What he was seeing in front of him had to be a trick. Either he was just exhausted, or he'd been exposed to silver kryptonite. What he saw couldn't have been possible. Bizarro hadn't returned, had he? No, he couldn't have. Destroyed forever with a piece of blue kryptonite that Lana handed him, he couldn't have returned...............

or could he?


''How'd'you get back here? I saw you, Lana, destroyed you! Tell me, how are you here, Bizarro!'' Clark shouted. As Clark's eyes returned to normal, from threatening to use his heat vision for so long, he relaxed himself, but not too much, to the point where his guard was dropped. As he stared at what was in front of him, with many pieces of broken glass all over the floor, and as slight drops of blood covered the kitchen floor, Clark met those familiar pair of eyes.

''Tell me what you're doing here? I'm telling you this right now, if you go anywhere near Lana, or my family, so help me? You'll wish you'd never took my DNA.'' Clark barked. The thing, sitting in front of him, with blood rolling down the side of his head, didn't speak, nor did it move. As Clark tried to talk to it, it blinked, as if not being able to understand him.

''I'll repeat myself, what're you doing here?!'' Clark repeated. As if on cue, the thing in front of him finally moved. Leaping into action, almost immediately Clark felt himself being grabbed. As he was grabbed tightly by the middle of his jacket, he saw the thing's face for what it was. Even more overloaded with questions, Clark wasn't able to process any of them, as it threw him across the room. As his body hit the back wall, with a split second of pain, he shook, as his mind remained empty again. Right now wasn't the time to get distracted. Even if he did really want some answers.

Rising slowly, he watched as the ''it'' moved a little to the right, where he stood over the counter, eyeing Clark with the same pair of eyes. As a tiny bit of sunshine peeked in from the back kitchen window, the ''it'' turned to face it. As Clark stayed where he was, he watched with utter confusion.

If it really was Bizarro, he'd never be able to stand in the sunlight without his face starting to glitch. This wasn't Bizarro. Someone else was responsible for this. Clark had been cloned. And he was a perfect version.....right down to the face, eyes, hair color, and unique colorful clothes. Around the clone's shoulders was the same red jacket Clark normally wore. And around his body, with the same color belt, was a pair of bright blue jeans. Everything was perfect. The clone could be his twin.......

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