Dawn by @OldRelics

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◐Planet Description◑
Dawn is a planet 70,000 Light years away from Kion, Dawn is a Planet that is Rotation Locked on its Star "Keloss" causing it to be a permanent sunset,
Dawn is the home of the Dusk Ora's, the Planet is known for a gorgeous skyline aswell as its vast amount of archipelagos and islands.


TEMP - 25C-30C

Type - Water Planet

Size - 8,226 miles

Atmosphere - Breathable (78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, 0.9 percent argon, and 0.1 percent other gases)

Day-Night Cycle - There is no Cycle

Main City - Nightfall

Main Rescources - High Value Minerals and Metals

Wildlife - Friendly and Peacefull (Dusk dont eat the animals theyre Vegetarian!)

Main form of Transportation - Boats, Aircraft and SpaceCraft

(It can be canon if OverSeer wants it to be)

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